
Betta and platy problem?

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I had a betta and I got a platty. at first they looked fine because the betta was eating and the platty was trying to eat through the plastic. but then the betta began to chase the platty.

whats wrong? I think the betta thinks the platy is another male or a female betta.




  1. bettas can be agressive towards fish there own size im sorry to say that platies are NOT good tank mates for bettas. if you want to put something with your betta get a group of tetras of some kind.  platies are peaceful fish and like to be with other peaceful fish like guppies, danios, swordtails, small schooling fish, and other platies.

    good luck with your fish!

  2. wrong, platies are really good tankmates for bettas

    those are the only livebearers which absolutely go with them and cause no drouble what so ever

    it just takes time for them to get used to each other

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