
Betta fighting fish?

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I have two male bettas living together in an approx 10gallon tank well planted they dont fight is their somthing wrong with them/




  1. What? You have two together? Oh my god, after a few days they will fight.  

  2. Why would you think something is wrong with them unless you purposely put them together to fight.  From your question, you already know that they are NOT compatible in the same aquarium and still insisted to put them together dissregarding the fact that one will die.  Now you are asking if they is something wrong because they ARENT fighting.  Irresponsible aquarist!!!!! You should not own an aquarium as you simply do not care about providing them with a proper habitat.

  3. It's only a matter of time.

    I'm sure both of them are very stressed, and it's only a matter of waiting to come home one day to a tank of shredded sushi.

  4. what the!

  5. for one, you should have never put two male betta's in a tank together! this causes them a great deal of stress, and eventually you will find one of them dead, and the other dead as well, if not near it. if you can, separate them. you can however put other fish into the tank such as gold fish and whatnot. if your unsure of what fish to put with them, ask at the pet store, they will tell you what fish you can and cannot put with a betta.remember though, they are a fighting fish, and will try to challenge or beat up the other fish. so use caution in whatever you choose to place with them, good luck.
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