
Betta fish bowl...air bubbles on side

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I'm new to owning a fish and recently bought a halfmoon betta fish with a plastic bowl and lid. After filling the bowl with water, there are tons of air bubbles on the sides of the tank. I tried using a papertowel to wipe the air bubbles but they returned. I thought maybe the water conditioner would help, but that didn't either. There are so many that it's making it hard to see my fish. Any suggestions? Do I need a different tank?




  1. When you first add water, there will be air bubbles all over the sides of the tank.  There is a lot of oxygen in water, it's not your tank.  They will dissipate soon, hang in there.

    Betta are great fish to own, some have a lot of personality.  Mine used to perk up and stare at me whenever I was around.  It would swim to follow me as I walked around the tank, too.

  2. Get him a female and they will have great babies!!! The bubbles are just him thinking it is breeding season and he's making a nest in case a female comes along. He puts the female eggs in the bubble nest as it is called.  So do not worry it is not your tank it is your fish!!

  3. no you don't need a different tank though a 5 gallon tank would be better for the fish

    the bubbles will slowly disapear as the bowl ages they are quite common in all newly setup tanks

  4. if you just let it be it should be fine in a day,but you really should put your fish in something that is at least one gallon,they do better,they do great in anything over a gallon as well but really they are best kept in things over a gallon and between the temp of 70-85 degrees faranheight (I know I didn't spell that right) with a filter that doesn't create alot of current

  5. those arent just air bubbles, they happen when the fish wants to make baby betas!!

  6. no worries its only oxygen, the bubbles will eventually disipate

  7. Male bettas are responsible for creating a bubble nest when he is ready to mate. They will only do this when they feel comfortable and safe, and like their environment... so it just means you are doing a good job!

  8. Bettas actually create those bubble nests. It's a good thing, your fishy is HAPPY! :)  

  9. thats no problem, it happens to me too, w/ my tank, once i see that the bubbles are everywher  on the walls i just put in my hand in and wipe them off. Its nothing important.

  10. Good Job!

    your fish is telling you he's happy,

    you raised him great and he's

    thanking you by blowing a

    bubble nest :)

    if it's a really big bubblenest,

    like really deep and big,

    that means he wants to mate.

    if it's a small on the side,

    he's telling you, i'm happy.

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