Hello. I have a betta fish that is about 2 1/2 years old which I bought at a pet store (probably Petco or Petsmart, I can't quite remember). Now, right after I got him, we also gained other pets, eventually having 4 very large dogs, 2 cats, a Russian tortoise, 1 aquatic frog, and 4 wild toads) Along with my busy academic schedule and extra curricular activities, it is needless to say that I got very busy. I am NOT trying to make any excuses, I'm just explaining the situation...betta fish do not talk, or at least bark/meow when they need something. Despite this hecticness and admitingly, days I might forget to need to change the water or feed him, he was holding up quite well, I mean, I'm not /that/ bad. But all of a sudden, over the past two weeks, I suddenly noticed a bulge developing around his chest area. At first it was hardly noticeable, but just yesterday I realized that it had gotton quite big.
Large, transclusent looking bulge in chest area of betta. It still swims around, although when he stops he looks a bit top heavy, still eats but as I said, being topheavy makes it a bit harder.
ALSO I was on vacation for a week last week, but we did have a sitter for the pets. I'm not sure exactly how much she fed him, but I told her that a pinch would suffice and there was info on the food jar.
Please do not tell me I'm a terrible fish owner or something. I'm 13 and worried about my fish. I need to know what's wrong and how to treat him, and the online info isn't clear.