
Betta fish help (not active enough)!?

by  |  earlier

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I recently bought a betta fish and it doesn't seem to be very active. There's no exact signs of disease, but it isn't as active as it should be, and sometimes just lays on the bottom of the tank and only comes up for air and food. Is something wrong? and any suggestions?




  1. Betta fish are VERY active if given proper care.  Is your tank heated?  Filtered?  Cycled?  How big?  We need to know these things.

  2. Bettas are actually feisty, active and curious.

    They can become active if the tank is too small and they don't have much room to swim, if the waters too cold, or if the water quality is bad.

    What size tank is he in? He should have a minimum of 2.5 gallons, with a heater set to around 78F with weekly water changes.

    Hope I helped

    Good luck :)

  3. I doubt anything is wrong with it. Fish aren't very active. As long as the fish is eating he is probably fine.

  4. My bettas can be lazy also and if you get another one (male) and get a tank with a separator in it, you can watch them flare up and "fight" each other. Or if you have another bigger tank with other fish in it, you can put him in there too, if the other fish don't bite his tail. Otherwise, betta fish don't move much.

  5. Fish cam become listless if the water is to cold. Try getting him a filter. Bettas are very active if given the correct housing. If water quality is bad they sometimes do this. Usually b/c of ammonia, try changing the water also.

  6. I think that fish are like people.  Some are more active than others.  If everything is okay in your tank.  Clean, neutralized, right temp water.  Then he is probably just not that active.  I had my betta in a tank alone.  Recently I added him with my platies and he still decides to just lay on the branch of a plant rather than swim around a lot.  The only time he seems active is when he chases the other fish in the tank.  He sometimes tries to find places to just hide.      

  7. Is it by itself? It needs company,there is nothing to stimulate him.Is it in a filtered tank with light and heater?They make great community fish just don't put him with too many as they all tend to nip fins.Are you feeding Betta food?They also like to hide and seek places so just make his home alittle more real for him.A fish or two will help much.

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