
Betta fish tank is dirty but i cant clean it!! help

by  |  earlier

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i have a beta fish, it lives in a container till tomorow *(gOt it today) and the container is a lil the vcontainer is all this fuzzy stuff! i took out my fish and whipe the container but the paper towel thingys made it wortg i cant wash it out because i have no dechlorinate will my betta die im betting a bowl tomotrow you think it will die ps i tried taking it out with fingers and net didnt work




  1. I just cleaned out my bettas last night. I tank my fish out put him aside.  Rinse the gravel and everything in the tank.  You need declorinater but if you don't have it just let the water sit out for 24 hours and it will be fine.  

    To take out the fish I use a little cup I always keep the cups they come in for cleaning.  I put the cup near the fish and suck them up into it.  No Stress.

  2. No, it is best to take a fish out gently with your hands, and not a net. The net is more likely to harm your fishes slime coating than your hand is. Just be VERY careful!

  3. shouldn't you have set up a tank and got all the equipment before you got your betta

    just use bottled water its fish safe

    also i will be surprised you can fit an aquarium heater in a bowl as bettas are tropical

    also dont handle him it can ruin his slime coat making him prone to deisese

    edit: letting the water sit for 24 hours will not do anything at all just use bottled water

  4. use a small cup to scoop him up with still some water from the bette tank and just clean the tank up but make sure its bottled water it is fish safe water

  5. A betta needs a 5 gallon heated filtered tank that has been cycled before the fish is added.  Why would you buy a fish without getting the equipment you need first?


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