
Betta food?

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Is there any live food I can feed my betta like insects, smaller fish, worms etc. that I wouldn't have to raise myself?




  1. I don't know if you are suppose to feed them normal worms from the garden but mine love them and are all healthy, i just cut the worms up small and drop the bits in. Also their favourite is wrigglers which is mozzie larvae, i just scoop them up out of any water laying around the house. oh yeah and really small tadpoles they love them.

  2. yes u can get dry worms but i don't think betas eat live bait lol. idk. it depends on ur beta, fish have personalities too. Ive owned like6 betas and i started noticing they all had diff choices of food and swimming patterns and niceness. like i had two male betas in one tank wih u are never suppose to do and they got along good. then i got a red one and it was evil. every time i went to feed it it would put its fins out like it was gonna attack me. it was pretty cool. so ur fish might not like it.

  3. try feeding them ghost shrimp!

  4. you can buy live blood worms at your local fish store.

    The best live food is brine shrimp (but those would require raising yourself- however, they are extremely easy to raise)

    If you don't want to hassle with live food, bettas can survive fine on just regular and simple beta pellet food

  5. Sure bettas love bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, baby crickets, fruit flys, krill, mysis shrimp, blackworms, tubifex worms, and baby guppies are what I like to give my bettas for treats.
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