
Betta is sluggish after putting algae fix into tank?

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I added 4-5 drops of algae fix into a 2.5 gallon tank. Is that to much? and what can I do to make my fish not sluggish anymore?




  1. Well, you should've read the instructions on the bottle before adding any.  How are your other water parameters?  Ammonia, nitrates and nitrites?  Get a test kit and check.  All these things should be 0.

    I'd suggest a partial water change.

  2. it is very normal for algae fix to make fish slugish algae fix is the same type of chemical they use in lakes in the south to control plant growth and when the treat the lakes the fish all stop biting for about 2 weeks what you could have used insted is non iodized salt it works wounders for controling algae but it will kill plants also

  3. Four or five drops sounds like a lot for a 2.5 gallon tank.   Usually that amount is intended for something larger like 10 to 30 gallons.  It won't kill your fish but next time you might want to try a smaller dose of the stuff because it could also affect the balance of your water parameters.

  4. He could be just getting used to the tank, or the algae fix.

    Give it a day or so.

  5. Algaecides are essentially toxins-- they will damage everything from algae, to plants, to inverts, to bacteria, to fish.  I would compare it to unnecessary chemo therapy.  I would do a water change immediately, whether you overdosed or not.  Noniodized salt is just as bad an idea-- to achieve a level that will kill the algae, you will be exposing the fish to extreme stress and irritation, not to mention the stress the salinity will put on the nitrifying bacteria that are basically keeping your tank alive.  A much better way to fight algae is with reduced lighting time and water changes.

  6. as the 1st person said hes just getting use to the tank if you just bought him. the 4-5 drops are perfect but dont add any more. did you also cycle your tank? fishes do that when you dont cycle the tank.

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