
Betta tails? experts help :(?

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i have a HalfMoon Betta and hes about this size


and his tail has a little split in the middle :( now hes a baby Halfmoon betta i wuld say around 8-9 weeks old and i was wondering if that rip is normal? wuld that heal in time so that my beautiful halfmoon can make a nice looking fan shape tail? or is it going to be ruined like that forever :(

do tail fins even heal? or once they are ripped their going to be like that forever? please help




  1. Sounds like your little guy blew his tail.  But don't worry, clean tail splits heal very quickly as long as you keep the water very clean and around 80 degrees. :)

  2. Fins do grow back. There is a small chance the color will be affected, but it should grow back fully. Just be sure to keep the water warm and do frequent water changes to prevent infection.

  3. If it's an injury it should heal.  However, you said he's a baby, so it could be a birth defect that you just didn't notice until he got large enough for you to see it.

    The only way to know is to wait and see.

  4. With halfmoons, it's very common for them to 'blow' their tail - they can stretch them so much, and with the fins being so thin, they do get little tears in them. It's perfectly normal, don't worry! It should heal up fine on its own, especially with a young fish.

    I would also recommend getting some Black Water Extract - it helps create a more 'natural' environment for your betta, including adding natural tannins and trace minerals to the water - they help strengthen the fins. Ever since I started using it, I've seen a drastic decrease in tears in my HM boys' tails.

    Good luck!

  5. halfmoons since their fins are spread so far it is common for them to "blow" their fins. that is the correct term.

    when bettas blow their fins it is bc the fins are being too far stretched which is normal if you have an over aggressive male who likes to flare. but other than that it is normal usually only for halfmoons.

    the fins will come together in time. while it might not heal back to 100% beauty it should fix itself in no time.

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