
Betta tank mates?

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What specific fish can a betta live with?




  1. I've had Betta's.  I don't know of any fish that they can live with.  They kill all fish that are in the same tank.

  2. guppies neon fish fish like that

  3. If it's a male, no other bettas!  Some are too aggressive to be around any other fish, so watch closely.  I've had some that were fine in a community tank as long as none of the other fish looked too much like a male or female betta.  Examples: pleco, angels, corydoras, ghost shrimp, basically the nonagressive types.  Bettas can become targets of other fish in a community tank; others may nip their fins and bully them, so watch for that as well!  Female bettas are far more tolerant than males.  I currently have 10 girls in a tank with long-finned golden danios, neons, yo-yo loaches, rock shrimp, a big pleco, and an algae eater.  (50 gallon tank)  The size of your tank plays a role as well.  No more than 1 inch of fish per gallon is a good guideline to make sure everyone has enough room.  Plants and ornaments etc. for them to hide/play in are helpful as well.  good luck!

    If you want more info, check out this site:

  4. mostly it depends on the temperment of the betta-some are peaceful but some are aggressive to almost anything! I have a male and three female bettas in a 200 litre tank with lots of male fancy guppies and the bettas pay them no attention at all so the 'oh you cant keep bettas and guppies together' rule doesn't always hold true. any 'risky' combination however should only be tried if you have another tank for the betta if it shows any signs of aggression-and I mean ANY signs as it only takes the once for damage to be done.

  5. Anything that isn't aggressive or very betta-esk, like a male guppy would be a poor choice. The fish you have now sound like they'd be okay. Best tank mates are Swordtails, Tetra, White Cloud Minnows and Swordtails and any cleaner fish except Chinese Algae eaters "not goes well with CA"

    Avoid nipping fish such as Angels, Barbs and Cichlids. Avoid anything that perfers cold water such as goldfish and Dojo Loaches.

    Mine are housed with a Plecostamus and Kuhli Loaches at a kept balance  of about 73 degrees F. I've also mixed them with my Cloud Minnows when I was cleaning their tank.

  6. first off..only in a tank of 10+ gallons a betta can live with other fish..your options are tetras...neons/cardinals...avoid barbs and mollies..they will nip at the betta..avoid guppies..betta will mistake them for another betta cos of their beautiful goldfish at all..danios could do too..I would say cardinal tetras..5-6 in a 10+ gallon could add shrimps..
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