
Betta with Ich AND fin rot???

by  |  earlier

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My betta is the only fish in my ten gallon heated and filtered tank, and while I keep it clean, I noticed a small white dot on each fin thats never been there before. I immediately did a full water change and siphoned the gravel, and took the ornaments out and scrubbed them, and while scrubbing the ornaments I noticed some green algae growing inside the little castle. As I was filling the tank, I noticed my betta also has a very small, torn part on his fin. Is this fin rot? If so, what the heck do I do about Ich and fin rot? I've had him for 7 months and I rescued him from Wal Mart and I don't want him to suffer. Please help?




  1. well you cant get rid of it with just a good cleaning there is a chemical (not harmful!!!) that you put in the water its called inch-aid its at any pet store

  2. He is not suffering yet.  Don't worry.  The white spots sound like Ich.  The torn fin could just be that he ripped it on the ornaments this happens .  If the tail is better in a day or 2 then you know it is not fin rot.

    Ich is not hard to fix if you catch it early.  If you are only seeing small spots then it will be fixed in no time.  Go to the store get the blue stuff that says it cures Ich.  Read the directions and use as directed.  Your fish will be better in no time.  If you have any live pants you are going to want to take them out when you are treating the tank they do not do well with this chemical.  

  3. never do 100% water changes for the same fish

  4. a 100% water change was not a good idea

    you have gotten rid of most of the good bacteria that helps turn ammonia into a less toxic substance

    your betta will now be subject to high ammonia levels that could make him worse

    i would buy some ich/finrot medicine  

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