
Bettas compatible with angelfish?

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I have a male betta fish with some tetras and danios and they seem to be getting along well and i was wondering if its possible to put an angel fish with a betta or if they will bite there fins. Also what other fish r compatible with this peaceful community?




  1. The betta will bite the fins off the angel fish. Don't put guppies with them, either. I would leave them like they are.  

  2. bettas will only be compatible with snails (which eat away your algae ;) ) so try getting snails... the only fish i know that live well with (female) Bettas are Cichlids so try those too if you happen to have female bettas

  3. Not a good idea.

    If the Angel is smaller then the Betta is likely to beat it up.

    If the Angel is bigger it's likley to take the betta apart - litterally. A large angels may also do a number on your tetras and danios

    Although they are called Angels, thats not their nature. They are a predatory cichlid, and their natural food in the wild is small fish. They are best kept with similar sized semi-agressive species.

    Least risk - some bottom dwellers like Coty cats or a small species of Pleco (Bristlenose etc) No chance of them harming your betta, and as yours seems a pretty relaxed one, he wont harm the bottom dwelling fish either.


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