
Better chance of getting ANY AK suited pre-flop or AA?

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Better chance of getting ANY AK suited pre-flop or AA?




  1. there are 6 AA combinations:

    AsAh, AsAd, AsAc,

    AhAc, AhAd,


    the odds of getting an Ace on first card: 4/52 or 1/13

    the odds of getting a second Ace: 3/51 or 1/17

    1/13 x 1/17 = 1 chance in 221 of getting AA

    There are  16 AK combos:

    As w/ any 4 K

    Ah w/ any 4 K

    Ad w/ any 4 K

    Ac w/ any 4 K

    odds of getting A or K on first card: 8/52 or 2/13

    odds of getting the remaining card: 4/51

    2/13 x 4/51 =  8/663 or 1 chance in 82.8

    Odds of getting AK suited:

    2/13 x 1/51 = 2/663 or 1 chance in 441.5

    the odds in getting a specific AK (or any specific non-paired hand) suited:

    1/26 x 1/51 = 1 chance in 1326

    1:1326 is also the same odds for getting Aces of same color

    the odds of getting any random pair is


    the odds of getting a specific pair is


  2. there are 6 ways to get AA, but only 4 suited A/K.

    AA is more likely!!!!!!!!

    Who would have thought!

  3. oops, miscounted...4 vs 6, aa is easier.

    yeah, the big thing here was _suited_ AK.

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