
Betting on craps?

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I have several specific questions about betting on craps.

1. If i were to put a $10 place bet on each of the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 & 10, BEFORE the come out roll is made, and told them to make those bets WORKING, then the roller threw any one of those numbers, would i get paid for that bet?

2. If i do get paid for that bet, is it any less than if i would have waited until the come out roll, then put $10 on each of them, then the roller hit my number?

3. If a 2, 3, 7, 11 or 12 is rolled on the come out would i loose all my place bets that i had working?




  1. 1) You would get paid for them, but you should make it a $12 bet on the 6 and 8 (they pay 7 to 6).  This is just like if you had previous place bets, the shooter made the number, and then rolled a new come out roll.  Normally your place bets are off, but you can keep them working if you want.

    2) Nope.  Same payout.

    3)  All that matters for your place bets is a 7.  When you're in the middle of the roll what brings them down?  Only a 7.  So if the come out roll is a 7, and your place bets are working, you'll lose them.  But everything else stays the same.

  2. Yes, if they were working, you would get paid. A $10 bet on the 4 and 10 would pay $18, the 5 and 9 would pay $14 and a proper bet on the 6 and 8 would be $12, which would pay $14. A $10 bet on the 6 and 8 would pay $11 (unless the casino uses 50 cent pieces, then it would be $11.50). These bets always pay the same, whether it's the come out roll or not.

    The only number you would lose any of these bets on (come out roll or not) is 7.

  3. If you play craps, you can expect to lose regardless of how you bet.  The odds are stacked to the house.
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