Question: Scottish Derby 2010, heat two details?

by Sports_Guide  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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First three qualify into second round which will take place on Sat 3rd April.

480m - 20:07

Shawfield Stadium




  1. The heat has been re-shceduled to take place this Saturday, 3rd April. Face My Fortune has also gone off colour and will not be running.

  2. Killieford Fire produced a smashing finisher in earlier trials to take first and also Mussles Galore should produce a good run, Greenwell River is a 50/50, may be a good or bad day for the dog but River surely has the most track experience.

  3. 1. Mussles Galore
    2. Face My Fortune
    3. Bickerton Morry
    4. Flors Power
    5. Killieford Fire
    6. Greenwell River
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