Question: at the rescue of the struggling greyhound racing

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To aid the struggle of any sport for its survival, the sponsorships play a major role. They are instrumental in a manner that they become a source of income generation for the contestants and their connections. Such has been the case with greyhound racing.
The sport has deteriorated with time and has faced closure of many famous stadiums throughout the UK.
One of the most dedicated sponsors for the greyhound racing is,, the betting facilitator has been part of the bigger picture since a very long time. It sponsored the Northern Irish Derby most recently that carried the grand prize money worth £25,000.
The race that offered the highest prize money in Northern Ireland was held at Drumbo Park where enthusiasts for the sports had collected for witnessing one of the most important greyhound derbies.
Even the venue, Drumbo Park, is an icon for the safeguard of the surviving sport as it is the newest greyhound stadium in the UK. The hardships of the sport did not impact the facilities that the stadium was meant to offer. A luxurious restaurant with phenomenal
views of the track and the races has built quite a fan following for the stadium already. stepped forward to sponsor the very first Northern Greyhound Derby in 2010, and gave the venue one of its most important races just as it became operational.
General Manager at Drumbo Park, commented: “This is a great development for such a young stadium. The Northern Irish Derby will be, by far, the most prestigious greyhound meeting held here.”
Bettor PR manager Jayne Clarke said: “‘Being as Northern Ireland has been untouched in terms of greyhound Derby’s, and as we have mutual views on the future of greyhound racing as Drumbo Park, this was an opportunity we couldn’t ignore."
“We realised there was an opportunity to deliver something new to greyhound racing and its fans so when we launched our new site,, we took sponsorship further and added a couple more to our greyhound sponsorship portfolio.”
Greyhound Racing is enjoyed as a sport by very few, only a handful come out to the stadiums for the thrill of a race that ends within seconds and leaves an everlasting excitement for those watching it. The sport does not need to be pushed into the betting
industry, and lose its own identity.



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