
Between Asleep and Awake: Do you hear voices?

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There is a state between being asleep and being awake that when I enter into it I begin hearing a multitude of people talking to one another. I mean it is a lot of random pieces of conversation and I know they aren't coming from me. I stated trying to hold the moment to hear what was being said but it's not easy because in that state I am slipping off to being fully asleep. At this point also...there is a low pitch hum in my ears.

This has only been happening within the last six years.

The voices are not familiar. There are tons of them. Male and female. Layered on each other. It sounds like people having conversations with one another. Some of the voices are in other languages. Only a few times have one of the voices addressed me but it was amid the sea of voice. Once was a warning the other a verbal attack. Both were very quick, as if the speaker had little time to direct something at me. Once I was listening and I heard someone say "Pick another language" so that I couldn't understand what was being said. That surprised me.

The scarier part is hearing a language you didn't know existed. That language has a strange echo effect embedded in it.

When this happens it is almost as if I am tapping into a phone line, or some sort of vast stream of consciousness. Like logging onto the internet to get information. The thing is that I feel some of those talking are aware of me too.

There is a lot more to it than I am adding, but for now I just want to know if anyone else is going through this?




  1. Im so glad i dont have that ... you could be tapping into the spirit world lol .. but go see a doctor he will give you a drug that will stop ... or stick you in  a funny farm


  2. This has happened to me, I went to the doctor and they diagnosed me with schizophrenia well i think they are nuts so i never went back.  But i really did go thru what you went through and i just recently found out its stages of generalized anxiety and dysthymia which are stung from childhood.  I grew out of it a few years after it started and haven't had to deal with it since but I do still have the anxiety just not as severe.  

  3. T.S. Eliot once coined the name of a place called "death's dream kingdom", i am not sure if that is where you are, but it certainly is a beautiful concept.

  4. yeah i hear voices but they speak in spanish so don't worry about it. now answer my question;...

  5. I think you'll get a LOT of phony answers here, but I am absolutely not joking when I say that YES, I hear this too. It seemed so natural to me when I heard them the first time, but when I asked my friends if they've had the same experience, and they said no, I got worried, thinking I was the only one who goes through this. I too hear other languages and a sea of voices, mostly foreign and different to me. Sometimes I hear young children talking to me; asking me things or telling me funny stories. I am actually greatly relieved to read that you go trough this too. You can't imagine how stunned I was to see this question. I'd love to talk with you further about this if I may!

  6. Yes, I get them too. Those are called Hypnagogic hallucinations. A lot of people get them. It's pretty normal. I usually hear things slamming or people reciting poetry. And countless voices, like you.

    "Hypnagogic hallucinations are episodes of seeing and hearing things as one is falling asleep. Hypnagogic hallucinations are dreams that intrude on wakefulness, which can cause visual, auditory, or touchable sensations. They occur between waking and sleeping, usually at the onset of sleep."

    If it only happens when you are in that state between being awake and sleeping, then you have nothing to worry about.

  7. That's pretty fascinating and actually very cool.  I've heard of something like that before.  Perhaps your mind is able to tap into another dimension.  It's really quite amazing what our minds are capable of.  Embrace it!

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