
Between Britain and France who is more power full in EU?

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  1. I'm not so sure about power and being powerful within the EU. Britain is bound to be much powerful, however less influential within the EU in comparison to France.

    France has always wanted a measure of influence within Europe, wherelse successive British governments since the 1550's have always preferred to deal with places far away from home - indeed at some point the Brit governments would choose not to deal with Europe direct, in what they called  'A Splendid Isolation'.

    French influence within the EU is also brought about by the fact that most continental countries tend to view Britain with a measure of doubt as well.Remember as well that it is unfair to speak of power from an angle mentioned on the question : Sweden was much powerful than Germany during WWII - simply my managing to convince Berlin not to invade even could have done this in a matter of days.

  2. i would say France. and i suppose quite rightly because they are founder members and have closer ties with Germany also they embraced the Euro. actually!! France managed to single handedly block Britains entry into the  common market. (now the EU) they hated the idea of Britain being a part of it. its a pity they stopped fighting against our entry. cos i dont want any part of it any! way.

  3. Great Britain

  4. Neither! Stop reading the Sun for your anti Franco racism!!!!

  5. France sucks, Britain rules.

  6. Britain, economically and militarily.  But France has more international legitimacy.  In fact, in a poll taken around the world France was viewed as the best country in the world in terms of positive contributions at the current moment in time.  Behind that was China and then Germany.  Israel was voted worse, then Iran, then America.  Sad to say, people found another "axis of evil"

  7. Definitely the French.

    The rest of Europe doesn't like what they see of the British press, especially Murdoch's publications, and  think the English are selling them out to the US if they can. Not joining the Euro hasn't helped either. Military power's got nothing to do with it.

  8. In the EU the most powerful is the one with the bigger population. You can be E.U.'s parliament most influential country  by having the most numerous population (Germany is by far on top of all for now). Great Britain is second...

  9. France, mainly because they were a founding member of the EU and without their say so the UK wouldn't even be in it.

    Plus many of the other members of the EU resent the UK's continual alliance with and support of the USA, which they feel is more important to the UK than the EU, so this means the UK is distrusted and somewhat looked down upon by other powerful member states.

    You only have to look at the agricultural laws to see that the French are getting a lot more out of the EU than the British, and in my mind whoever is getting the best deal out of something is probably the more powerful.

    I could go on and on but I won't bore you!

  10. prob France, because of Political reasons like being a member of the euro currency and being in what i feel is "in cahoots" with Germany on policy in the european parliament

    if we are talking in common sense terms then Britain, we do everything better and we will have a cuppa whilst we go lol

  11. Great Britain is more militarily powerful, but France has greater influence in the actual EU.

  12. ill say right now hasnt got a good government to become im not saying france does coz i know france has a s**+ t government too...but for some reason i feel like france does....

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