
Between "Cap and Trade" and "Carbon Tax", which do you think is a better solution to climate change?

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Carbon tax is a neutral tax that would be off set by lowering the payroll tax that individuals and companies pay. Carbon would be taxed at its source.

With cap and trade the USA or a larger region would agree to cap emissions while trading within the cap between reducers and increasers. The overall cap would be systematically reduced over time to reduce emmisions.




  1. U want to put all big business out of business . That means there would be no good jobs .NO tax of any kind they need to learn to live on what they have coming in. Carbon tax is a joke u send the money to me would that help .

  2. Yep, that's just what will fix the environment, a bull-**** tax. Just asking this question marks you as a gullible sheep.

  3. Neither.

    If the government is serious about carbon, then stop subsidizing the coal and oil industry and use the money saved to do research into better energy sources, like solar or fusion.

  4. You are making the same mistake as many liberals, and starting with the automatic assumption that CO is causing global warming.

    What if its not CO but CO2 thats causing global warming? Should we all start exhaling less?

  5. They're both valuable tools.

    For major fixed sources, like electric power plants, cap and trade will work well.  For small or mobile sources, a carbon tax is more appropriate.

    It's like alternative energy.  Among nuclear, solar, wind, and biofuels, some people have their favorite "solution to global warming".  This is a huge problem, we'll need them all.

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