
Between the two, which type of woman do you think has the "Superior" air about them?

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European Women or American Women? Do you think there are any differences between the two women or very big differences? And please, let's not make any generalizations without personal real life experience :P. Thanks!




  1. I have been to Munich twice and European woman aren't as paranoid, bitchy, or stuck up as American women. The entire European coolness is even in most Canadians. For some reason, American women act like the way they do. It is probably from the way American society is.

  2. i think European women do.. but its only because they are more refined and classy but to us since most of us arent like that it seems to us its snobbishness.

  3. Definitely European women, especially the French. I hate to be stereotypical but many of them are rude. The most down-to-earth European women I met were Italians & Greeks, the Southern European women were very friendly & helpful unlike the Germans or French. Most American women, like it or not, are perceived by the Europeans as very down-to-earth & naive. Much of this is true.

  4. ALL Women are superior.

  5. I hate to say it, but Americans are rather boorish (and I fully include myself in that slight). I've not met too many European women, but those I have seem slightly more sophisticated than their American counterparts. But in my opinion, sophistication is over rated.

  6. I think European is far too wide, are you talking spanish, italian, greek, british? I don't And it depends if you are talking about actually being superior or thinking they are superior...?

  7. first intoduce me to about 100 European women and then I'll be able to give you a comparison

  8. i'd give it to european women. american women (in my opinion) have been tainted by the media and lack of vacation time

  9. I have lived for long periods of time in both Europe and America. My impression is that human nature is the same the world over. There are self appointed superior types (snobs) and diffident types (generally polite and humble) everywhere. What comes to my mind when I see questions like this is something that U Thant, the former Secretary General of the U.N. used to say. He said "There is no difference between a civilized American and a civilized Burmese. But there is a tremendous difference between an uncivilized American and an uncivilized Burmese".

  10. Well I lived in several parts of England for 6 yrs. & in Germany for 4 yrs, so I hope I qualify. I found most foreign women to be very very friendly. Of course there were some snooty, stuck-up as well but basically I think foreign women are no different than American women. They have their homes, husbands, families & some have jobs. There are good, bad & indifferent in any culture. Remember, how you treat them will make a very large difference in how they treat them.

  11. D'you really mean "superior" (better than) or d'you mean "superious" (i.e. putting on airs)?

  12. oh easy answer!


    ( walks around with nose in the air...bumps into wall.)

  13. I have met a few Europeans in my time. The women do have more of an air of snobbishness, but I think that part of it is our perception, and they do not intend it to come across as snobbishness. I don't think people realize how very different our cultures are. There are many nuances in culture- body language, facial expressions, that can not be translated, and often, are mis interpreted.

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