
Beverage question? History?

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What does one learn about class and social structure (and religion) in studying beverages (and/or food)?




  1. If a group of people only drinks water you can assume two things 1)either they don't like pop or want to be health, or 2) they cannot afford pop.  so at least one thing it may be possible to learn is their financial situation.

    but if you are just observing if they like Pepsi or Coke, then I would say that you would only be able to find patterns in where they live, and what they eat.

  2. The best example is pre-revolution France:

    There was a huge economic gap between the peasants and the nobles/royals. The peasants were starving, and when asked what, if any plan, of relief they had, the royals — most notably Marie Antionette — responded with something like "if there is no bread, then let them eat cake." The royals' lack of action caused the French revolution. Google it for more info.

  3. well, you can look at food trends such as escargot or Kraft dinner... who usually eats this type of food? or even where people from different social classes tend to eat - McDonald's vs a five star restaurant averaging $50+ per meal (and everything in between). and if you want to look at religion there are religions that restrict certain types of food like pork or beef or meat in general, or what about kosher salt? food and drink can be related back to almost any social/historical question. lack of food has been inspiration for uprisings and hunger strikes have been used as a form of non-violent protest. I could go on for days.... Oh and don't forget trends in malnutrition and obesity...

  4. One of the most interesting historical beverages is beer. In areas where drinking water is not safe, fermentation cleanses it. So areas that drink lots of beer were once very poor or unhealthy.

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