
Beverage question.......

by Guest62100  |  earlier

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I am inviting 325 people to my wedding reception. And we am providing Pop, coffee, lemonade, and water.

How many two liters of pop should I buy (of what kinds) and how many bottles of water should we buy. We are also providing beer, but they will have to supply their own liqueur. My FMIL is buying Coke, Diet Coke, and sprite, should she get anything else? But I really just need a number of two liters and bottles of waters so she gets enough!

thank you in advance!




  1. Why are you asking this question again?? Didn't you like or believe our first answers???

  2. I think a two-liter bottle would be good for maybe six to eight guests.. But it's best to check with your caterer. They know these things. They can also control the flow of the drinks, if you instruct them to do so.

  3. you know the people that are coming, you would be a better judge of what they like to drink and how much, how would somebody on here know anything about that ?.........what a dumbass question !!!

  4. Don't get bottled water, people will feel uncomfortable having water and end up drinking pop instead. Have ginger ale, some people can't drink coke, and then would only have sprite available. And if there's small children then something very sugary like cream soda or orange pop.  

  5. If you figure that about 8 people will use one 2 liter, that's approximately 41 2-liters.  For 6 people per bottle, that number goes up to 54.  If that was all you were providing, I would get extra, but you're also providing water, lemonade, beer, and coffee.  I also think you should get a variety.  Get more Coke and Diet Coke than anything else, but include Sunkist, root beer or Dr. Pepper, cream soda, and maybe strawberry or grape.  

    As for water, I would recommend 1.5 times the amount of people you have, which is 488 (40 12-packs or 20 24-packs).  I would estimate half not getting any water, and sticking to the other beverages, and half getting 1-2 bottles.  Though what we did was have pitchers of water on the table, and had our high school servers keep them stocked, so we provided a lot fewer water bottles.  

  6. I would get about 15 12 packs of water

    consider buying ginger ale and 7 up too If people bring there own booze these are great mixers.

    Dont forget lemons and limes


    I would suggest more coke then any other soda and be sure to get Diet soda too, minimally about 10 liters of each kind.

  7. Well I don't know how many you need, but I know you are ganna need a lot. Maybe 100 two liters, i'm not sure, but you seriously need to buy a lot.  

  8. dr pepper maybe and double the amount of water bottles per guests that way you should have enough as for soda im not sure just wing it and buy alot idk.

  9. I would do something like Mountain Dew, Ginger Ale, I would also do Pepsi, some people don't like Coke, maybe orange or strawberry as well, and with that many guests I would do A LOT I would ask the Caterer as well, they should know

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