
Beyond the grave experiences??

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I am soon to meet a medium for the first time. I have lost many close family members over the last 10 years, including my mum and I feel I need to make some connections as I have begun to have some very strange dreams and daytime experiences, what are your views????




  1. I feel empathy for you, but try to be stronger than that. You don't need some crack-pot idiot charging you out of house and home just to tell you your relatives love you etc. There is no such thing as any beyond-the-grave, heaven/h**l rubbish. I know the zealots will bury me to oblivion but the truth is all that remains after we, like any other creature with a pulse, die is a memory in those that remember us. That's it. I'm sorry again for your loss but this person cannot tell you anything you don't already know. I suspect most of them are simply well-versed in behavioural science; that is, they continue their 'predictions' based on your reaction - which you won't be able to hide, because after all you are expecting this to work or you wouldn't have planned it.

    Peace with you.

  2. *I am very sorry for the loss that you have incurred and send many blessings your way.

    A few things to keep in mind:

    When you go to see a medium remember to always trust your gut instinct (intuition) on anything that they say. Listen to your inner voice and use caution. There are some very fraudulent people out there who love to make money off of peoples woes and sympathies, but there are also truly gifted people who may be able to give you some sort of insight into what you are experiencing now.

    Also, have pateince with the messages and things you are experiencing. You might not fully understand certain things until time passes and then one day you just realize it.

    Doing this can stir up alot of memories and emotions, so brace yourself. Pay attention to your dreams and experiences, whether they are from a deceased loved one or your subconcious mind, they bear a message for you.

    Do your research from reputable sources on this subject and other subjects related to it to have a better grasp of the idea and to find out the tricks many frauds attempt.  Another suggestion would be to look around for awhile before going to a medium in order to find a reputable and honest person. Visiting a medium can be a great experience giving you lots of insight and may help you in coping with your loss. Just another thing to add, just because someone is gifted with the ability to speak with the dead does not necessarily mean that they have the ability to predict the future, read your mind, or anything else other than that. Many people who are gifted with psychic abilities don't even realize that they have them or they may take a long time acquiring the ability to fully harness and control them at will. There are a lot of skeptics out there that will tell you otherwise, but this decision is ultimately yours to decide.

    Listen to your gut, it won't let you down.

  3. My Dear friend,

    I sympathise with the bitter experiences you had during the last 10 years. Now, listen to me. God has sent everyone of us all alone, similarly when we die, we go all alone breaking all the worldly relationships. But if you feel that any relationship can give you relief, you can go ahead, but with no expectation. If your aspiration are not fulfilled, you don't have to cut a sorry figure. Accept all the forthcoming challanges as the blessings of God.

  4. I think they are scams.  I think they give you vague responses, and then take their cues from how you respond.  Try giving them vague replies back, or even create a phony dead relative for them to contact, and see if they don't bite hook, line, and sinker.

    Oh - watch your wallet carefully.  The worst will want to hit you up for a ton of extra money.

  5. go back to your dreams if these peoples so called powers are true they would be Billionaires they could find hidden treasures get next weeks lotto results and have some ghost standing next to them at horse races telling them the next winner and  and in most cases they ask for money

    Advice go to the circus and talk to madam Sophie it is more fun and cheaper

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