
Bf broke up with me yesterday now I can't eat :(?

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yesterday my bf met with me and we broke up, my heart is broken and i haven't eaten since the thought of eating makes me sick but my tummy is making noises cus i know i need food.

he said i was too young for him im 19 and he is 25 we'd been going out for 7/8 months. He was stressed with work. he even cried when i started to cry. will i ever get over this pain?? i miss our texts and phone calls all ready i feel lonely and hurt and like crying all the time. Can i not communicate with him at all not even to tell him the pain i feel??? We left it as being just friends. my heart hurts...




  1. You will get over the pain... it may take a while but each day it will get better.  Some days will be worse than others.  

    As far as eating goes.. I would try to eat at list a little bit of something.   You will mentally and physically feel better with food in your stomach.  

    Remember just take it one day.. one hour... one minute at a time.. and before you know it you will be in love again with someone better.

  2. i know it is impossible to understand it now.But try not to think about it at all.It really helps if you pretend like nothing happened and give the reality to yourself slowly as you can take.For the time being you need to eat something. You aren't eating because you are stressed! it is up to us to hurt ourself or not! sometimes we torture ourselves.You can make it as bad as you want or can just say ok so that happened but there is something really good that will come out of it!

    There is always a reason for things.I am sure and can tell you from personal experience that things happen for a reason and you will find it out soon!!!

    I hope you feel better soon!!

  3. Do what you need to do, if eating makes you feel sick, then don't eat, even though you should. If you feel like crying then cry, It doesn't seem like it but crying actually does help a little( i know from personal experience) As for communicating give it some time. I hope you feel better though good luck with everything.:)

    help me?;...

  4. Dont' call him.  Give him time to think about things, and to allow him to miss you.  If you call him, he will not miss you and may even get irritated.  Meanwhile, you should try to eat something, even if it's just a little bit at a time.  It won't help the situation any by not eating.  

    He'll either call you, or you will start to get over him.  Just give it some time.  You may even feel totally different tomorrow.  Oh, and why don't you pray, that may help in making you feel better.

  5. well...don't worry ...I am here for me..ok..princess...=)

  6. Just call him and tell him how you feel. Tell him you can't eat because of him breaking up with you and you cry all the time and you cry yourself to sleep and say If we were together for almost 8 months how come you led me on? I've never been to young for you then and if I have how come you didn't break up with me when we first started dating? Or how come you went out with me in the first place? And if you EVER think of asking me out agian I will break your heart just like you broke MINE! Now get a life you jerk and stop breaking innocent girls hearts. AND THEN HANG UP! Don't give him a chance to talk. Then Go to the store and get some chocolate frosting or get the stuff to make chocolate chip cookies or a chocolate cake. It fixes stuff for you. Okay. If you call him and let your feelings out it will help mend your heart.

  7. Well i think you'll always have a thing for him because i'm guessing he's your first love, but still you'll get over him because your still young and you can find someone else yes its hard because he would call and text you everyday..i know from experience it'll probably take you a couple months or a year but hopefully he'll realize he made a mistake and realize what he lost? Btw eat ice cream it helps or chciken u name it gf =] but seriously eat cuz datz unhealthy if u need n e thang just email me at or msg me here idk =]

  8. pull yourself together

  9. I think he's found someone else and you being too young for him was just an excuse. You can survive without him. No use crying for him now.

  10. Oh man I know the pain, when my ex and I broke up I lost like 30 advice someone gave me was that's the only thing good that comes from a break up, especially if you need to lose weight.

    You need to at least eat something, if not for you do it for the people who love you. This can make you feel even worse if you don't eat. You may not feel like eating anything, but try some crackers or soup.

    Next piece of advice, instead of contacting him, write. Start a journal. Write letters to him, but save them for yourself.

    How he says your too young for him? There's only a 6 year difference. If he cried while breaking up with you to me that's a sign that the break up isn't meant to be. However I'm praying that there isn't another girl in the picture. Love truly does suck!

  11. aww hun, you'll make it through.

    it'll hurt.

    for a long time.

    i'm not going to lie.

    but i know it hurts to eat, but you gotta.

    it'll actually hellpp.

    i'm here for you, if you ever wanna talk or something :(  

  12. u'll eat when ur hungry enough. and life is pain, especially when u put ur heart into it n it gets smashed.  better to know now    then after ur pregnant with his baby.

  13. Go eat a chocolate cake.

    Chocolate fixes hearts.

  14. You're young, you will get through this.

    I'm sorry that you are in pain and hurting.

    But please don't call him and tell him this.

    I know it's hard, but try to move on.

    Pick up some new hobbies, hang out with some good friends or go shopping.

    Just let him be for now. He will realize soon that he made a mistake and give you a call.

    Or maybe you two aren't made for each other?

    Get a lot of sleep and please eat. A guy is not worth not eating.

    Repeat this " I am strong and i will get through this".

  15. I have felt like this, & it took me a month to get over it.

    I know I wasn't heartbroken, my heart was just a little bruised.

    you will eventually get over it. it takes time.

    & being friends is better than being nothing, believe me.

  16. the pain hurts, I know. A few months ago I got out of a 2 year relationship. If you look on the bright side this does free you up for sum 1 who will appreciate you more for who you are. Just how I try to look at it.  

  17. Hi there! Its hard when a relationship ends but think about what you can get in the future. Maybe he is too stressed about stuff happening at work and he want to protect u in a way.The age thing is a bit weird but in away he may be feeling he had his turn of being a teenager if i can say it like that. He want you too enjoy this time of your life. It must have been really hard for him to brake up with you. But why don't you text him as you are still friends and that's what friends do text and call each other often. And please eat its not as if you won't see him again.What do you think will happen if he finds out your not eating?Well pain is hard to deal with but you become a much stronger person. You will be able to get over the pain if you u let yourself think about the positive things. Please get something to eat. Tomorrow you might find your man of ur dreams and u will forget about everything. So go on get a bite 2 eat!!!!!! Greetings :-)

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