
Bff wants to get pregnant on purpose..?

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My best friend wants to get pregnant on purpose to keep her cheating bf/fiancee (my cousin)even though she's been in denial for years in my opinion because there were just one too many shady things and because he was a known cheat before dating her with few exceptions (maybe i cant think of any?)?She is terrified that after all her work to get him and practically giving up on college for him as well as some of her friends..that him cheating is a slap in the face and see's the other girl as invading her terf.Her Bf while on meds after a car accident admitted to sleeping with his jane and getting her pregnant again...long story read details if nessacary.Anyhow how do i get her to see reason?As of now her bf in recovery has no clue as to what he said and she's playing dumb with him but making his life h**l?




  1. ~A baby isn't going to make things better.  The only person who will suffer from this happening, is the poor baby.

  2. Your friend doesn't sound that smart, perhaps you should look for a new BFF.

  3. The only one who will suffer is the child! And if he's already cheating, why the h**l does she think he'll stay with her if she gets preggo?

  4. Bringing a baby into that situation is horrible. A baby will not make him stick around or stop cheating. It would be extremely unfair to the baby.

  5. She's playing games with him. She needs to be careful, those types of games have a nasty way of backfiring. She very well may get pregnant. He could still leave her with the baby, then what? Better to be hurt alone than hurt raising a kid for the next 18 years possibly alone.

  6. You can tell her what is going to happen--but it doesn't sound like she's willing to listen. If she asks your opinion, you need to tell her she's dating a lost cause and to move on. But more likely than not she's not going to wise up. It's not fair to use a child as a pawn--if she actually had children she'd have some sort of clue about this--being a parent is difficult at best.  Tell her not to be stupid--and then you'll have to let her make her choices. She's going to do what she wants to, like it or not...So sad...

  7. let her do what she gots to do

  8. If i was her fiancee I would be garunteed to leave her for being so reckless with such a commonly overloocked thing. She is very selfish for wanting to give a baby a job before it is even born. It is never a babys job to keep a couple together. It is never a babys job to be born so the other person will be happy. Its never a babys job to do anything but be a baby.

    Just because he is cheating doesnt mean she needs to ruin a life( the baby), she needs to just accept he doesnt like her. She made the mistakes of dating and droping out of college for him. She needs to live with it and not bring another life into the world just cause shes too blind to reason.

    The easiest way to get her to see reason is to give her the ultimatum of friendship with you or be with a two timer. if she cant see reason from that tell her to get consuling for codependency. It sounds like she has some serious issues, and the last thing she needs is a kid.

  9. Your BFF is codependent. You don't give up ANYTHING for a man. Life is too short. The only thing you can do is tell her the same thing you told us that he is a known cheat and that she needs to get our while she still can. The last thing she wants is a baby with a man that can't and won't take care of it. People that blame the other woman and not the man drive me nuts. Tell her to leave this idiot alone and move on with her life. There are plenty of men out there that are good guys. Good luck.

  10. Tell her don't do it! It won't change him. It will just bring another innocent person in to this dysfunction. She won't learn by anyone Else's mistakes and that the sad thing, she will end up pregnant and there will be another baby in the world with a crazy mom and dead beat dad. How sad.

  11. There is nothing you can do- if the current circumstances are not enough for her to leave this bum, then she is a lost cause and will need to learn from her mistakes. She clearly needs to grow up and has very low self esteem. As for you, I would find a new best friend, and not someone who drags you down with her bad judgement and bad choices. What a drain and what a bunch of drama! Move on and be happy. Tell her to call Jerry Springer.

  12. It turns out bad....My cousin is a man w***e as well and he mistreated his girlfriend...she is obsessed with him and at all cost got pregnant "by accident"....they were together for like 4yrs but everyone in the family knew that he didn't love her and we all knew he cheated on her every chance he got....they had the baby and stayed together another 4yrs but we knew he was extrememly unhappy and finally broke it off with her and ended up with a new girl who got pregnant right now the one's who suffer are these 2 boys who are being used and manipulated to keep my cousin around by these 2 women and they are always fighting and now my cousins' kid is behind in school and socially....I say knock some sense into her if she doesn't want to suffer or bring a kid into the world that will suffer

  13. A baby isn't going to keep him from cheating on her and it definately won't keep him around.

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