Bhopal Olympics may become a reality
It has recently been revealed that Bhopal is planning to stage its own Olympic Games next year in the months of July and August. The Games that will be held alternatively against the London 2012 Olympic Games will hold Bhopal,
Vietnam as well as Nicaragua as participants.
These three regions of the world have decided to undertake such a vast task in opposition of the International Olympics Committee’s (IOC) insistence that the sponsorship with the Dow Chemicals company will not be terminated. The
region of Bhopal was victim to a tragedy that was incurred at the hands of the company some decades back in which a number of innocent people lost their lives. The tragic incident that took place happened because of a gas leak in the Dow Chemical factory situated
in Bhopal which caused many deaths. Not only that, the consequences of the gas leak were far reaching as the deaths continued to occur because of the side affects of the gas. The huge number of deaths in the region left its mark on the families of the deceased
as they suffered emotionally both because of the trauma that was inflicted on them because of the deaths and also because Dow Chemicals got away without paying off the liabilities that were incurred upon it because of the deaths in Bhopal.
Rachna Dhingra, who a member of the Bhopal Group for Information and Action, expressed her views on the issue by giving the following statements: “We're planning to protest with our own Olympics for children affected by gas leak
from Bhopal, Vietnam, Nicaragua and other countries.”
Dhingra is not the only one who feels strongly on Dow Chemicals being part of the London 2012 Olympics but Rahul Banerjee, the famous Indian archer also shares the same feelings, as explained by him in the following words: “Dow
owes a lot to the Indian people and they have done very little for the Bhopal gas victims. So, as an Indian, I believe Olympics would be better off without them. Olympics is all about global peace and unity and one shouldn’t be part of it if his hands are
not clean.”