
Bi/les girsl: dont you just hate it when men try to get you in bed so they "can: turn you straight?

by  |  earlier

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like not all the guys but guys who just say stuff like: "youre only bi?g*y cause you havent had a really man yet. try me and ill turn you straight." or stuff like that.

i hate bisexual and they automatically think im gonna sleep with them or let them join.

how about you?




  1. actually sometimes its flattering...other times it's like 'are u deaf or am i stuttering?'  

  2. its never happened to me..

    but i would have to sayy,,

    they must be pretty obliviouss to not realize,,

    they are most likely one of the reasons we are lesbians.

  3. hahah yes. i know this guy who's so perverted. he either assumes if i have a girlfriend, he can watch and join in and when i don't, and i'm with a guy, we get a girl to join in. plus, he touches me at every available oppurtunity.

    for some reason, it's every straight guys dream to sleep with a bi or a L*****n. lol.

  4. It is very annoying and rather demeaning in a way because that attitude devalues who I am as a L*****n.  I have also had some drunken moron force himself on me because I turned down his advances several times and finally had to tell him "Look, I am g*y. Please leave me alone."  He followed me out side and said he was gonna teach me to like men.  That attitude really, really p!sses me off!

  5. I was out with a L*****n friend a couple of years ago when a joker like that hit on her.  She agreed, but only if he'd go to bed with a g*y friend of hers first to see if it would turn him g*y.

    She didn't have a problem with him for the rest of the night.

  6. i dont understand what your trying to say? sorry, can you be specific?  

  7. Amen sister! XD

    I haven't personally gone through this because I'm not out to anyone but my mom, but I've heard it happens a lot. Guys seem to think that there is no possible way some girl wouldn't want them. UGH. I have to say, I hate when people say, "Well maybe you just haven't found the right guy yet..."

    There is no right guy for me, because a guy isn't right for me!

  8. hahah sum str8 girls think they can make sum g*y men str8 too....i think homphobic str8 men think that way because they think that if a g*y guy is near them , they turn g*y automacially -_- so that must mean that if they have s*x with a lisbean , they turn her str8!

    i hate that illogical way of thinking.

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