
Bi polar with hygiene.?

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My niece is 8 and has been diagnosed as being Bi polar. She is obssessed with bodily functions, I have to monitor her bathroom time. She is at my house alot so it gets frustrating. She poops alot, 5 or 6 times a day. I have asked if thats a side effect of her meds and the doc said no. She messes herself as well, she will use the bathroom in her pants and sit in it for hours. I have asked her many times about abuse because I know thas a sign, but I don't suspect abuse from anyone around her. She is too old to be messing herself like this. Yesterday it looked like she had played in her p**p, she had it all over her hands, I was in shock. I punish her for this behavoir, she is a smart kid, gets awesome grades in school. I figue if she is competent enough to do good in school then she knows better than to do this. She is also overly curious about her private parts, is this normal? She will not wash herself in the shower? Does anyone have Bi polar children and can help me? I am stressed out




  1. my cousin is like that and it is really gross. i suggest taking her to her doctor and having him/her explain what could happen because of that and show her medical pictures that will make her not want to do stuff like that.

  2. there has to be some sort of abuse... I would talk to the parents. Also make sure she does not have the movie channels if she has her own t.v. in her room... (they play soft core at night- she may be watching that and then getting curious about her own) It's unhealthy for someone so young to see that sortof thing. I would do some "google" research.. I doubt a lot of those things are even related to bi polar!

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