
Bi-racial baby characteristics?

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I do not mean to offend anyone by this question, I am a caucasian female and I am just wondering. If I marry a bi-racial man who is half caucasian and half african american......what would our kids look like? just wondering. thank you!




  1. Well if the man a half cast than your maybe will either be you color or his there is no in between but there is no defenit answer

    Hope I helped  

  2. Depends on the genes the baby picks up. I have two sets of couples as friends who are caucasian w/ a half-half. Both couples have one child in the mix who looks 100% caucasian. Here's how it went:

    White mom + Black/Asian dad = Fair-skinned brunette. If he didn't look like his dad in the face, you'd never know the black guy was his father.

    White dad + White/Asian mom = Tanned Asian-looking daughter w/ blond hair and brown eyes and a fair-skinned, blond-hair blue-eyed boy. The boy is so white people think the mom is the maid or the nanny.

    It's really a mix up. Your babies will be super exciting since you never know what you're going to get until you pop!  

  3. The would most likely look quite olive skinned but probably not as dark as dad.  It really very much depends on what you look like and the dad who may be very light or very dark...  So many genes go into our makeup that really it is a bit of a lottery.

    No matter what they looked like though they would be the most beautiful thing ever to you.

  4. it all depends on genetic makeup and whos genes are more dominant in your child. noone can tell you for certain pet

  5. There's NO way of knowing.  The darker genes are more dominant, but recessive genes love to jump out and say, "surprise!"

    Did you ever hear of the twins who were born to two mixed parents and one came out w/ all black features and the other was a blue-eyed blond?

    You just never know.

  6. It all depends on genetics. My daughter has a friend who is dark brown when everyone else in her family is light skinned and blonde. The child's father is half mexican and the mexican relative is very dark skinned. Cher is the same way. The probability is that the child will have light brown skin or at the very least tan easily. The dark hair, eyes and skin are the dominant genes. There is no way to tell really. I'm sure that the children will be great looking.

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