
Bi weekly check-ups??

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i wont be 29 weeks until tomorrow but at 27 weeks i was told that its time to start seeing the OB every 2 weeks...just curious what are they checking on every 2 weeks??the last time i went to to have my sugar test but i go tomorrow and was just curious..thx




  1. This is totally normal (I've had three babies). They check to make sure you're not dilated, that the baby's heartbeat is strong and your blood pressure. Lots of women get dangerously high blood pressure in their last trimester. During the last 4-6 weeks my doc had me come in every week even though I had no complications so be ready for that.

  2. They are doing appointments like that with me to. They will be just checking your measurements, weight and blood pressure. when you get to 36 weeks the appointments will be every week.

  3. it all depends on the doctor

  4. I think they just start checking size, position, all that good stuff - CONGRATULATIONS!

  5. They start checking the uterus size, you can start discussing your birthplan if you haven't already and schedule the tubal if you want one. They listen to the babies heartbeat and go over any concerns you may have.  They just like to see you and check the baby more often as you get closer to delivery time.  It also gives you a chance to talk about any fears you may have about delivery and for you to talk to your Dr about any contractions or pains you are having that may indicate preterm labor.  

  6. same as before how the baby is doing. as you get closer to your due date you go everyweek and then they will check to see how dialated you are.

  7. Your appointments will be the same as before, just more often. Starting at 36wks you will go every week and your doctor might do a vaginal exam to check for dilation and such as well, not all do that though.

  8. i am 26 weeks at 24 weeks they decided to see my every 2 weeks i also have to drive once a month out of town a hour away to see a doc there. and call that out of town doc 3 times a week. in 4 more weeks i have to start haveing stress test done weekly at the hossy and at 32 weeks i will then go weekly to the doc  weekly to the stress test and every 2 weeks out of town to see that doc. is my time up yet lol. alot of my extra doc apts are due to other factors i had to start on insulin at 22 weeks. cought my suger out of wack b4 the test they take. and the baby is over 2.5 lbs and they want to watch that. but talk to your doc they will answer any questions that you will have. they look at the best intrest for not only you but the baby.  with my 2 week visits like today they felt around the belly listen to his heart mine all that stuff 2 weeks from now i have to have all that and blood work and i am rh neg so i get that shot. and like others say each doc is different. i had suger problems with my daughter but didnt have to go to the doc half as much as i do with this one. everything will be fine.  

  9. My dr did the same thing to me i started seeing him every other week at 26 weeks and every week at 34 weeks im now 38 weeks and still pregnant some Drs are just different, atleast you OB is making sure you and your little one are healthy
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