Hi, i have to get my cousin a gift for her bithday. She has a lot of clothes so i am not sure is she would want more. She is kinda of a serious child. I want ti get her a Tamagotchi Connection V5. However, I have nvr had one so i am not shure how good the quality is and if she will enjoy it. http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?kw=tamagotchi+5&f=Taxonomy%2FTRUS%2F2254197&f=PAD%2FBoy+Girl%2FGirls&fbc=1&fbn=Boy+Girl%7CGirls
here are all the designs can u pick one out for me, im not sure which one a 9 year old girl will like..
if you dont think thats a good gist can u plz help me out with another one?
thx muches <333