
Bible bashers, what do u think????

by  |  earlier

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what do you think of bible bashers i think they suk and are reali reali anoying espeshiali jovoz x x tb




  1. Bible? As in the "Holy" Bible?

    I think you need another type of Bible, it's called a "Dictionary". It will help you spell better.

  2. Haha.

    NO ONE can possibly take you seriously with your terrible grammar and terrible spelling.

    On second thought, I smell a TROLL!

  3. I find the sort of illiteracy you demonstrate in this question to be far more annoying.  

  4. go back to school and learn to spell.  you probably cant even read.

  5. yeah they definitely annoying

  6. atleast 3 times a month on a saturday morning about 7am i get a couple of Jehovah's  knocking at my door waking me up...after a whole week i wait for the weekend so i can sleep in but NOOOOOOOOOO....if i wanted religion in my life i would go to church...ask for forgiveness n then sin all over again the following week.....bla bla bla.......

    i get cranky when i wake up...especially if i dont have to!!!!!

  7. Personally IDC, to me the bible is Fiction anyway.  Just really hard to believe most of it.  Walking on Water, Rising from Dead ETC.

  8. I think nothing of them, if they don't like the bible

    then fine, it is around 2000 pages after all.

    can't really blame anyone for hating a book with that many pages.

  9. And this posting of yours is supposed to be evidence of your Christian faith?  

  10. I don't bash the Bible, only stupid ignorant people who try to use its contents inappropriately.

  11. Yes I agree with yah  

  12. Your a smart one what the heck is reaili and espeshiali jovoz?

  13. Im a bible basher and its because I run into lots of situations where Im confronted with the bible by morons. For example, my friends wife pretty much runs his house. Shes the boss. The streets flooded in Florida and a crab was walking down the street, she caught it and put it in a bucket. She said she was going to release it when the flooding stopped. 2 weeks later the crab was still in the bucket and she said she would release it when she remembered to. If she would have killed it and eaten it, that wouldnt have been as bad as letting it sit in a bucket for that long. I offered to release it myself and told her I felt bad for it and she said, and I quote, "Who cares about the crab, it says in the bible that man and beast should be seperated and we are more important". The point is not that shes an idiot. The point is that she quoted the bible, like as if that is the law of the land, like as if just because she believes that way, everybody else as if once anybody says "its in the bible", thats the end of the argument and she wins, because if its in the bible it must be true. And she is completely ignorant to what I may believe in, completely inconsiderate about what my values are and what I think is right and wrong. Whatever I think is right and wrong doesnt matter because its not in the bible. Its that kind of retarded logic that makes people like me hate people like you.

  14. depends on the version of the "Bible" they are reading and which one

  15. I think you are annoying.

    Learn to spell.

  16. i am agnostic and i hate when atheist talk S**t about all religions im just like thats nice you dont believe in religion but dont put down other ppls religion. seriously they act like ur dumb if you believe in something. its annoying and kind of snobbish if you ask me.

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