
Bible or a road map...?

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I think the bible is like a road map...there are many road that will get you from point A to point B...




  1. so true I can get to michigan taking 75 or I can take 77 to 80 to 75 to 275...they bother get me to where I need to go...and that is what the bible is like a map of one way to heaven or happyness...

  2. Yes, in your "journey" through life, I agree.  The Bible has the answer to the most important questions or life, if you read and study it with an open heart and mind.

    HOWEVER, if you think it will tell you how to get from Austin, Texas to Nashville, Tennessee, you will get lost and it won't be the fault of the Bible.

  3. You go right ahead and think that and I will go right ahead and disagree.

    Yuor whole thought is based on what man prefers.

    Its not about us.

    Its about the one and only way HE prefers.

  4. It is whatever you desire it to be. But of course for me I would have to agree with danielle.

    I respect what you believe too though :-D.

  5. Yes, a road map, each man in his area of the road in his time period from Adam to Noah son #10, to Abraham son #20, Matt.1:1-17; to David son #34, to Jehoiachin son #48 [ captive in Babylon world Empire #3 ],  to see Judah kings end, year 3460, 1804 years after flood, 606 BC, to Christ Jesus son #62, in Rome world Empire #6,

    now at 2008 after Christ Jesus and there will be no king until king Jesus at his second coming as the savior of the John 3:16; world, that goes back to Abel. 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53; In Gen.3:22; the tree of life and Rev.2:7; 22:14; the tree of life is in the future, every thing is mapped out, the road from the beginning to the end is very clear as all are LOST in Eden to all possible is SAVED by Christ Jesus in the time period being allowed by God who gives all time but the day and the hour is know by him alone.

  6. The Bible is a road map. But, that does not mean all religions have there own that will lead to the same destination.  +?+

  7. If the Bible was a road map, we'd all be screwed. No one would know where the h**l they were, and it would show roads going right into trees. Not cool.

  8. Jesus said,"I am the Way." John 14:6.

    I believe Him.

  9. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven.Like a one way road.

    John 14:6

  10. Would you use a 2000 year old road map to get around in the modern world?

    Step up to GPS...

    Science,... not religion and myths.

  11. Only if point A were to be a starting point like Birth, and point B were to be arriving at your destination like judgment seat of Christ waiting on further instructions, life itself being the road. Then yes, just being cautious with some of the things I read here.

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