
Bible question regarding Proverbs 6:16-19; Why does the LORD hate 6 things & 7 things are an abomination?

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Whats the difference between the hating & abomination?

16. These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him?

17. A proud look, a lying tongue, & hands that shed innocent blood,

18. An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feel that be swift in running to mischief,

19. A false witness that speaks lies, & he that soweth discord among brethren.




  1. Hebrew poetry/writing style, to make a point

  2. The sowing contentions among the congregation is grieving Holy Spirit and can be an unforgivable sin.The sins of the flesh of imperfect man can be covered over but sins against the spirit are deadly.

  3. You MUST be the life of any party!!!  Yikes!!!!!!!

  4. The Lord hating something means just what it says.  The Hebrew word (sane) also means to be unwilling, so I guess it means He's unwilling to tolerate it (?).

    An abomination is when God has told people to do some legitimate thing a certain way and they choose to do it another way.  For example, God told the Israelites they could sacrifice certain animals to Him, but certain others were off limits.  Later on, some of them sacrificed ibex and some other "unclean" animal, and God called that an abomination.

  5. Hate would be him not wanting them done. An abomination is a sin unto him.

  6. Abomination is worse, maybe no forgiveness.

  7. seems like Jesus is saying this, but of course they're the Same God in the OT. :)

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