
Bible verses for believing God will provide?

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I have heard many preachers say that if you need something, just believe God for it. I have also read in books that if you believe God for something, it will come to pass.

Does anyone know of any scriptures that back these claims?




  1. Please remember that when you accept Jesus as Savior your heart changes.  Your dead spirit come to life and what you then want is what ever God has for you.  God is not a genie to make wishes on.  He is God and He knows what best.  Trusting Him is part of what Christianity is about.

    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13

    Make sure you read the whole verse and even better the whole chapter or book to get what is being said in context.  Notice the end of the verse, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  Is what you are asking for glorifying God?

  2. Matt 6:33 can give you some insight on your question but, do you think if you prayed to God for a new car when your old car works just fine you will get one? There are allot of Atheist out there that once believed in God and a big(I mean BIG) problem happen in their life. They knew the right way to solve it, but did not have the means to solve it themselves, so they prayed to God for God to do the right thing, and solve their BIG problem. When God didn't, they knew there could be no God because what they were asking for couldn't be anything that God, if there was a God, wouldn't give them, therefor there could only be one conclusion "there is no God"!

    The true God Jehovah(Psalms 83:18) has a purpose for mankind, if your prayers are something he is going to help with it will be on his time table( one day with him is a 1000 yrs to man). God tells us that there is nothing that he cannot do, he can raise the dead(John 5:28,29) , stop people from dying(Rev 21:3,4). Right now  God is proving that Satan is a lair, and every thing bad that has happen to mankind is by Satan's hand, not God's. Everything that Satan has done, God will undo as if it never happen, then at that time all your prayers will be answered.  

  3. One of my favorites.

    Proverbs 3:5- Trust in the LORD with all thy heart, and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

    Pro. 3:9-10

    Matt. 6:25-34

    Matt. 7:7-8

    Read the whole book of Psalms

    There really are so many. Ask in prayer for GOD to speak to you thru his word.

  4. he often works in ways we can't see Gen.20:6

    don't assume he won't help you  Gen.20:11-13

    often does the impossible   Gen. 21:-1-7

    looking to him for provision and care  Gen. 48:15

    let him deal with your problems   Ex. 2:9

    uses a variety of people to do his work  Matt. 1:1-17

    his concern for for every person   Matt. 18:12-14

    how we trust in him    John 3:18

    God's help help often comes gradually Deut. 7:21-24

    God helps us when we least expect it  1 Kings 17:10

    Jesus can help when none else can   Matt. 9:23-26

    how healing miracles affected early Church  Acts 5:15-16

    purpose of Jesus' miracles versus Satan's  2 Thess. 2:9; Rev. 13:14

    Hope this Helped   God bless

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