
Bibleists, American Indians didn't believe in the christian "god", are they rotting in h**l because of it?

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This is basically a yes or no question, not a shuck and jive question.




  1. A better question is why do people think there is a judgment after they die? When plainly 2000 years ago Jesus said "NOW is the judgment of this world" -John 12:31.    Why do you think we are here?    And 2000 years ago, the scripture also says,  "NOW once in the END OF THE WORLD hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself" - Hebrews 9:26.  And what is the judge?  "He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath ONE that JUDGETH him: ***THE WORD*** that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day" -John 12:48.     So I say again, why are we here?  "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." -John 6:63.    Because without the WORD there is no hope.  But to answer your question, why ask people - ask the Bible directly, check the scriptures:

    "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:" -Romans 2:14

    "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?"  -Isaiah 58:6

    Why then would anyone add burden and yoke on anyone who God has made with the WORD of his mouth, and put his word into our hearts, and seeing he has given us HOPE to overcome!  There is NONE that does good, not one, but we have HOPE, so seek after it!

  2. Of course not. There is no "god" and there is no h**l.  

  3. if they were good people with morals then yes  in my opinion just beacause your not christian doesnt mean your going to h**l

  4. No-one is gonna be rotting in h**l and no-one is gonna be living it up in Heaven!  Rotting six foot under yes and thats the end of it!

  5. A yes or no, to a nation being in h**l? That would be a no, Native Americans have their own faith, which I may add is older than Christianity.

  6. God of abraham was a beast. Destroyer of nations. What christianity did to american indians in itself should be good enough cause to eliminate religion in the US.  

  7. Believe it or not the Cherokee belief wasn't that far removed from other monotheistic beliefs.  

  8. Only God has that answer.

  9. Native Americans have their own religion therefore h**l is irrelevant, just like it is irrelevant to anyone except those who believe in it.

  10. Not the babies that were baptised by the missionaries before they bashed their heads in.

    They were "saved".

  11. If they belief there is one great in heaven of no equal to be their God,and they only worship to this one God and none others  they have better chance being saved eventually. They would have better religion than the Christianity who take trinity and who take man figure as god.

  12. I disagree with your assumption of what American Indians believed.

    But to answer your question, nobody "rots in h**l" because of what they believe or disbelieve.  Our lives are judged by our hearts and how we treat others.

  13. By Christian Standards:

    IN h**l: Gandhi, Thomas Jefferson. The Buddha, Albert Einstein, Aristotle

  14. Dude, they've been calling up Satan for centuries. Shamanism is part of the Occult, which was founded by Satan. What do you think?

  15. h**l=grave....some believe, some dont....its individual judgment coming soon

  16. I hope those christians who gave their answers will look back and realise how dumb they sound.

    I am at a disbelief at how profoundly retarded human beings can be.

  17. Anyone who does not repent and put their faith in Christ will.

  18. How do you know their God and the Christian God isn't One and The Same, just called by a different name because of a different language?

  19. if you believe  the book of mormon NO

    if you believe Indian leaders like REDfern  NO

    if you understand how history destroys pure religion YES

  20. Read this

    " All who sin apart from the law, will also perish apart from the law, and those who sin under the law, will be judged by the law." Romans 2:12 NIV

    This basicly means that god judges you based on his law, only if you were aware of his law. If not, he judges you on the "moral law", which is basicly a term for your concience telling you right or wrong.

    I think questions like these are best left alone.

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