
Bicycle Crashes!! Tell them here.?

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Ok, here is another Bicycle crash topic. Tell us about your crashes, how they happened, and how bad they were.

I know this happens to just about everyone, but today I was in the left hand turn lane and was coming to a stop when I couldn't get my foot out of the pedal fast enough. Sure enough, the light turned green, and I was upside down with the bike stuck to my feet and hovering over me in the middle of traffic. People turning right almost ran over my head, and the cars behind me starting honking.. Lets just say it was not a pleasant experience.




  1. Mine wasn't that bad. When I lived on this big hill I would go down it really fast wasn't looking where I was going last second slammed on the breaks and almost hit this parked car. When I slammed the break I went forward but hit the metal bar.

  2. ok one time iwas dh racing and i was goin really fast and then a turn apeared with out that lateral wall thingy so i had a wheel slip(the maxxis minion did grab) and i flew 2 metres away from my bike and landed on a very rocky rock garden.

    and i was like what happened am i imagining and then i looked at my arm i landed on it and thought it was broken coz i could'nt move it and then got up ran i circles a bit to get rid of the crash adrenaline and picked up the bike, my arm worked, and started walking home i thought i had a fracturred pettela(knee cap) but no and i had no equipment what so ever and did'nt hit my head XP

  3. riding down hill on 1 of the local trails, i puncture just befor a berm and fliped over the top i landed on a log taking a chunk of skin and flesh out of my left ankle right down to the bone and sever gravel rash on my lower left and right legs, lots of blood, was good fun. until i put antiseptic on the wounds.

  4. I had only been cycling for a few months and I was riding home from school one day, I passed an intersection, and this guy who turning stopped and waited for me to pass this driveway and then when I was about half way across the driveway he just turned and completly cut me off.

    I had about half a metre of any reaction time so couldn't do anything.

    my front wheel went under his back wheel, my bike stopped extremly quickly and I went straight over the handlebars landing on the cement with my face!

    thought I was fine, just though I had a cut lip, then I got home!

    my bike was written off, and that was the good bit.

    i knocked the top front 4 teeth out, the only reason they stayed in my gum was because I had braces (only time i have actually been glad to have braces), there was nothing holding my teeth in. I had to wear a splint on my teeth for 2-3 months.

    I had one of the hooks on my braces embeded on the inside of my mouth just above my lip.

    deep graze and road burn on my chin and top lip.

    graze on my nose.

    bruise on my forehead from my helmet.

    almost broke my chin, nose, and right knee cap.

    and as I went over the handlebars I hit my left inner thigh on the headstem bolts and put a hole in my inner thigh. couldn't walk for about a week.

    had whiplash too.

    it sucked.

    sorry its a bit long.

  5. I am a BMX racer. Last year was the first year of competition for me. I crashed at every national I went to. My gnarliest wreck was at the ABABMX race of champions. I was in first and went over a jump. I got squirley. I dont know what happened, but my husband said I was flying in the air and hit hard. To this day my tailbone still hurts.I wish someone would have filmed it because I would like to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I've had two bad crashes. Both times were down to driver neglect and involved Roundabouts (I'm not sure if they're as popular over in the US...)

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