
Bicycle riders please?

by Guest57561  |  earlier

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i have a couple of questions please

1- i just learnt to ride a bike and im really slow, my bike is old but perfectly running smoothly, its 15 gears, i am very very slow, i see people on bikes just passing after me and i hate it, soon ill have to cycle my way 3 miles to school, i dont want to be late

2- in comparing is walking or cycling makes me loose fat (calories) faster (more)

thank you!




  1. Stick with the bike,it's more fun and less pressure on your joints.

    Walking briskly you will go at 3-4 miles per hour whereas 10-12 mph is easily possible on a bike on normal roads.

    Use it as much as you can and you will improve.

  2. You will improve but you should time your self over a 3 mile cycle ride and then try to cut 30 seconds off.  Then another 30 and so on so you can see how much quicker you are getting.  You can also cycle for 15 mins, see how far you get then next day try to go a bit further in the same time. Keep at it, you will get fitter and quicker and if you do keep pushing for improved performance you will keep loosing weight.

    I don't believe you look like a water melon, unless of course you have green cycle shorts?

  3. you will get better and better as you bike more.  keep it up.  

    both are great exercisesxcersises but if you walk 1 mile you will burn 100 calaries,  and 1 mile on a bike will burn 50 calories.  but you will most likely be able to bike more then 2 miles in the time that it would take you to walk 1 mile.  so keep it up..  have fun and be careful

  4. 2)  Walking will burn more calories than cycling... Either way that you want to compare them, over time or distance.

    1) Is there a question in there someplace?

  5. Cycling will once you get a bit better at it. Better for you too, as less pressure on your joints. Don't worry about being slow you'll soon pick it up. Cycling develops fitness rapidly.
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