
Bicycles are not a licensed mode of transpo.?

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How do you hold that accountable to a system where you are not tested and approved by a License? It's incongruent.

Lawyers please Chime in here.




  1. Your face is incongruent. Its a dam bike, son

  2. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

    Have you even read through the booklet of regulations for use of public highways?  In my state, there are illustrations of the hand signals people are supposed to give if they are on a bike or other non-motorized vehicle on the highway.  There are rules for pedestrians.

    Did your parents ever teach you about looking both ways before you cross the street, and what the various traffic signals and signs mean?

    Even though you are not required to have a driver's license when riding a bicycle on the public streets, you are still expected to be aware of certain laws regarding riding a bike, such as proper hand signals when turning, solowing down, proper safety gear, proper clothing.

    You got off cheap with that fine.  You should be dead.  You tried to commit suicide by other vehicle ... meaning you tried to get the motorists who had right of way to crash into you and run you over.  Please do us a favor and kill yourself some way that does not involve other people, if in fact you want to be dead.

    If you do not want to be dead, then lear the rules for traveling safely on the public highways.  They are very simple, common sense.  They can be learned by studying a manual that the state gives away for free to anyone who asks for it.

    In this country I do not need a license to operate a computer, but I can get in trouble if I use it illegally.

    I do not need a license to send something in the snail mail, but I can be arrested if I send illegal mail.

    I do not need a license to make a phone call, but I can be arrested if I make an illegal phone call.

    I do not need a license to make a cash withdrawl from a bank, but if I do so with the aid of a hand gun, I will go to jail.

    Most of the laws are common sense.

    When you were a child, your parents had a responsibility to educate you about them.

  3. Oh, for Pete's sake, there aren't licences for skateboards, roller skates, wagons, tricycles, toboggans, skis, roller blades, sleds, or even walking shoes.  Who cares?  You want to be responsible for licencing 6 year old kids?


    Now I see.  You think because you don't need a licence that you should be able to break any darn law you feel like.  Well, tough noogies, the bicycle may not be licenced, and for sure you aren't licenced, but the law of the land states you are entitled to the same rights on the road as motorized vehicles, but in return must obey the same laws.  Pay up, and learn to ride like a responsible human being.  Next time it may not be a ticket, you may just get run down.

  4. Just because you don't need a license to do something doesn't mean you aren't accountable.  You don't need a license to go to a party, but that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want and not be held responsible.

  5. bikes are consider Vechiles on the public street

    mean you have to obey all the traffic lights

    be lucky you got only a ticket you could have been hit by a car

    and been killed

  6. At a park close to home, there's a sign that explains that bicycles are vehicles and subject to all laws governing other vehicles.

    Being expected to stop at stop signs and red lights are part of those regulations.

    You don't have to have a license to walk anywhere, but you can still get a ticket for jaywalking.

    So, if you're old enough to leave the house without the supervision of a responsible adult, on a bicycle no less, the assumption is that you know enough about what you're doing to avoid violations of laws that are designed for public, (that means you,) safety. As a person cognizant of understanding what a traffic light means, the lack of a licensing process does not give you the freedom to violate the laws of traffic in which you're participating.

    As a judge explained it to me when I was in highschool, my lack of license or equipment was not an acceptable excuse for exceeding the speed of freely flowing traffic in a school zone on a bicycle.

    Which brings us back to my argument that bicycles are vehicles, subject to all the rules and laws of safety.

    I don't have to have a license or even a boating safety certificate to use my jetski, I do have to be over a certain age and operate it within the limits of the law. I can't take off after dusk in clear violation of the law without running lights just because I don't have to be licensed to use it.

    Pay $380, learn a lesson and stop at red lights.


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