
Bidding on ebay...?

by  |  earlier

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ok im so pissed off at ebay. When i bid on anything prior to the 10 minute mark before the item ends i have no problem being the highest bidder. But when its down to the last few minutes every single bid i put in, no matter how high i jump the bid too, i am always somehow outbid by someone else. how the h**l is that like that every d**n time? i know im not going back and forth with someone. what is going on?




  1. people may have a faster connection than you.... youre bidding on popular items with many bidders hungry lol,, not much you can do....

  2. Proxy bidding, someone puts in a bid that's higher they the current bid and the system continues to bid until their bid is no long the highest bid.

    example current bid $20 and their proxy bid is $40 until someone bids more then $40 the current bidder will remain the winner.

    And for the *** and numbers, ebay now hides the bidding activity from the public. every auction is a private auction.

  3. My question is....Why do you want a N64?

  4. If you think somethings fishy, don't bid on it, could be a coincidence or maybe somebody just trying to get you to pay more/
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