
Biden Versus Palin - How will it turn out?

by Guest56226  |  earlier

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Joe will have to be careful with what he says... if he can do that.




  1. Palin is gonna destroy him.  Gotta remember, the Dems are wrong on everything heading into this election.  Wrong on the economy, wrong on the environment, wrong on foreign affairs, wrong on drilling for oil.  Biden has only his so called foreign affairs experience to call on.  His experience is irrelavent, because he's wrong on everything.  

    She's gonna rock the old man, and I hope she rocks a skirt at the debate just to make it sting that much more.  

    McCain-Palin '08!

  2. biden has alot more experience than palin and i mean way more...I think biden will tear that MILF A$$ up

  3. My understanding, Palin is TOUGH and an excellent debater.   Biden has a big mouth, is long winded, and has a tendency to have to apologize later for the idiotic things he says.   My guess, Palin will hand him his *** in a baggy.

  4. who knows, I am a democrat but this could be a disaster or it could be a stroke of genius. Four years ago Palin was mayor of a town with a population of 7000 people, became govenor, got a reputation of standing up to lobbyists and bueracrats, and has a real interesting story that I assume we are all going to find out about. Any other year.this pick would have been a disaster, but this year our candidate is a guy who four years ago, was a state legislature in illinois, made a speech, got elected to the senate and spent the last two years running for president, he really can not harp on the experience issue, their inexperience is the number two slot, ours is the head of the ticket.

    Who knows how many Hillary supporters are still ticked off, they would like to vote for a women, and for all the the rhetoric about McCain, just four years ago he was Kerrys first pick for VP, and going to be prime advisor in foreign affairs, I could never vote for him, but I can see how a lot of on the fence ,still ticked off  people could. It will be interesting.

  5. Don't know. Anyone know when the first debate is?

  6. Why should he be careful? Palin can take it, probably make HIM cry.

  7. Biden will defeat himself because his ego will get to him and he will slip his mouth and say something sexist

  8. Biden won't be able to bully her around.  He will get so frustrated during the debate because he's a scrapper, always trying to pull a sucker punch on anybody if he thinks he can get away with it.  It's hard to debate when you are a phoney.  Palin seems to be everything she claims to be and doesn't back down without a fair fight.  Only difficulty I see is the liberal democrat media reporting everything fairly and honestly.

  9. Biden PALIN in love with her beauty and brain. .  

  10. It will turn out to be a JOKE. haha. Palin has NOTHING on Biden.

  11. I don't think thats possible for him

  12. Biden can kick Palin's butt anytime.

  13. Palin will whoop Biden's commie azzz back to the cold war.

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