
Biden Vs Palin - Do You Agree That The Vice President Should Be Able To ?

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GUT A DEAD MOOSE IN -20 DEGREE WEATHER ?? Sarah Palin can do this. Joe Biden can't. What more do we need to know ???




  1. But Joey Biden won't freeze to death.  The man has and endless supply of hot air.  


  2. You sure Biden can't?  

  3. OBAMA and BIDEN, hmmmmm.

    sounds familiar dosn't it?


  4. Palin is better than the empty suit Obama, a 20-year POW (PRISONER-OF WRIGHT)  

  5. that's right. she's a better choice.

  6. Palin has taken on the good old boys she surely can kick a little Biden A!!    Democrats have no clue who this women is and what she is about all I hear from them is she should be home baking bread and raising the kids! Democrats it's 2008' and republicans don't keep their women down like the democrats so bring on Biden!

  7. No, I think a VP should be required to have hairplugs.

  8. If that becomes a required job as President of the Senate, I would still not vote for her.

  9. That's more of a job for reporters who cover debates, don't you think?


  10. Palin is obviously not going to wimp out when it comes to torturing someone...that's a good sign.

  11. Yes, she LOVES Moose burgers!

    I do think she should be able to protect the country in times of a national emergency or threat of war/crisis. This woman is not prepared to take on the most important job of this nation. She represents everything that we Democrats are against. Woman or no woman. She's NO Hillary!

  12. we need to know nothing else for it tells us that she is a decent American and strong also so since she would have killed the moose herself else she would not be gutting it that shows she does not sit on the sidelines and cry I never supported the Iraq war, and to do so in 20 degree weather says she has stick to it ability which she will need as VP , Biden on the other hand has jumped so many ships he does not which one he is on now, and she has way more qualifications than Obama a governor of Alaska beats a one term senator from Illnois in experience as he does not have to fool with budgets, jobs, ect and a governor does

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