
Biden for <span title="VP........................................?">VP..........................</span>

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One of the greatest attractions to Obama (and probably a key reason why He beat out Clinton for the nomination) is his opposition to the Iraq war

(although it deserves mentioning that he wasn't even a US senator during the 2003 Iraq vote).


According to this official government website Sen Biden voted for the 2003 Iraq invasion:


Doesn't Obama blur the critical distinction between himself and McCain by choosing a Sen that voted to authorize the Iraq invasion??

After all, wasn't THAT the critical distinction that marked Obama distinctly different from H Clinton and J McCain?

Thus, hasn't Obama hurt himself by picking Biden (overall)??

Yes, I know Biden has strong credentials BUT given the CENTRAL importance of the 2003 congressional vote for Iraq invasion, as a defining issue, hasn't Obama hurt himself politically by picking for VP a Sen that voted FOR the 2003 invasion??


In other words, if Obama can forgive Biden, then why can't I forgive McCain (on the 2003 Iraq invasion vote)??

...And, if Biden regrets his 2003 vote for Invasion of Iraq, then doesn't he admit that he has flawed judgment (and so, what do all his "credentials" amount to, exactly?)?




  1. This belongs in Politics.

    This is Military. That&#039;s where people ask questions about the military.

    As far as your question. Obama&#039;s a politician. He doesn&#039;t know anything about anything else... he knows zip, nada, zero. Everything he does is for political gain. Want to bet he probably hates Biden&#039;s guts, but picked him to try to get some of the conservative white votes? Why not Hillary? Because she&#039;s just as bad a choice as he is... even most of the Democrats wouldn&#039;t vote for her. See how it works? It&#039;s politics... not intelligence. They&#039;re mutually exclusive. That&#039;s why most good candidates such as (perhaps) Colin Powell don&#039;t get involved.

  2. Lots of people voted for the war and then figured out it was a dumb idea. I don&#039;t fault him for that. Like many he was led into the war with false information provided by the Bush administration.

    Biden&#039;s son leaves for Iraq next month.

    I am not a fan of Biden because I was hoping for a Obama/ Clinton ticket and dreaming of an Obama/ Wesley Clark ticket.

    McCain is still following the rest of the conservative lemmings off the Iraq cliff. He has not admitted he&#039;s wrong and wants to continue with the war for up to 100 years. Very different stances.

  3. Good point.  It just goes to show there is no difference between the 2 war parties.

    RON PAUL 08

  4. and on the campaign, Mr. Biden stated that Mr. Obama was not ready to lead, and still stands by his statement.  that speaks volumes by itself.

    radio talk is gonna have a ball with this set-up.

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