
Biden has been in Washington for 40 YEARS! What exactly has he "changed" in FOUR DECADES?

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besides his Depends underwear that is




  1. Well, the biggest change since he's been in Washington is that his mouth has gotten bigger as a result of putting his foot in it over and over and over again.!

  2. The only successful thing Biden has done is convince people to reelect him, exactly like a number of other career politicians...

  3. "little joe" Biden, has never been much and as such has done less, for not only the state of delaware, but the nation as a whole.

    his most overwhelming accomplishment in the senate was to "champion " the credit card issuers interests when the overhaul of the US Bankruptcy code was reworked and totally screwed up by congress that law taking effect oct of 05, it was the largest in terms of application and effect piece of legislation passed by the congress, on the everyday lives of us citizens.

    It is interesting in the fact "little joe" became a political w***e as the beck and call of Discover Card, NMBA, Chase, Providian/Washington Mutual, Capital One, and the banks as members of Visa or Master Card, not allowing for even those people who as debtors where crushed by un- insured medical, multi year loss of jobs, to discharge their debts, but rather allowed for the additional adding of interest, fees, and costs to be added to a chapter 13 as most were disqualified from a chapter 7,THIS from a dim-o-c**p man of the people?

    little joe Bidens only job is to be the handler in loco for the white political mob from the most corrupt cess pool of slime ever known the chicago political machine.

    Obama is as owned by white masters as any slave ever was prior to 1863.

    please note also that repiblicans "championed" the bankruptcy law firms by mandating consumer who file bankruptcy must go to classes, most of those clinics are owned by the bankruptcy firms.

    so these career ploiticians are interchangable.

    so the bottom line on these bottom feeders is i owe an apology to prostitues, for dragging them down to the level of career policticos.

    note carefully also biden oldest son is going to iraq, as the 2nd ranking JAG officier, he will be safe  and secured in the green zone.

    Biden youngest son and his younger brother both registured l;obbiests are currently involved in civil law suits regarding a disapearence and collasp due to 15 million dollars from a hedge fund.

    the democrat us attorney for sothern new york appointed by clinton when biden was chair of senate committee apointing same, has refused to indite.

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