
Biden or Palin as president?

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Biden or Palin as president?




  1. Palin

  2. All I have heard from liberals today is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be a heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president from Day 1, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??

  3. Palin. Biden is a Typical Democrat.  Palin is a progressive Republican.  She knows how to get things done and is not afraid of a fight.

  4. Palin because she has not been entrenched in Washington D.C. for 32 years and is the kind of "change" that is needed.

  5. Honestly, Biden, although I'm supporting McCain/Palin.  Obama is too inexperienced to lead the most powerful country in the world.

  6. biden is a life long political hack

    who has allways wanted to do what Obama did

    but he allways failed

    Palin is person who wants to make the United States a better place for everyone

    and shes willing to work hard to do that

    she has been in executive office and been highly effective

    she has fought corrption

    biden's major accomplishment ?

    presiding over the Robert Bork debacle

    he is worthless and soulless and a proven cheat

    no comparison

    Palin has integrity

    Biden plays to the liberal Media

  7. Obama/Biden

  8. Palin.  


  9.   Palin is the best because she has almost 2 years of executive experience.

  10. Palin.

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