
Biden said Obama would bring equal pay for equal work?

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Don't we already have that




  1. I think it could be equal work for equal pay, that's gonna upset a lot of people, though i do hope not

  2. Perhaps he meant that Obama will try to remove some of the barriers that prevent women from earning as much as men (i.e. poor work-family balance, family leave, day care, etc.).

  3. My last job there was a guy who had been there for like twelve years before me, and he made a lot more for basically the same work. Talk about unfair.

  4. No.

    Women still get 75 cents to the man's dollar.

    Still. This was surveyed again recently.

    Sad, isn't it?

    Obama '08

    Hillary '12

  5. I dont see what the big deal is.

    women who are hookers or strippers make WAY more money then men who are hookers or strippers.

  6. Like Bastian, I've been paid less than my colleagues. It isn't just women who suffer this. You could argue that I was worth less or less talented, and I would answer that I occupied an equal position and did the same hours.

    Employers will pay anyone less if they can get away with it.

  7. Women still make approximately 1/3 less than men make for comparable work.

  8. And if I get elected, I'm going to put a soda machine in every cafeteria, you'll be able to drive to school and all the free pencils you could ever want!

  9. Yes we do.

    How does he plan to bring "equal pay for equal work"

    Lemme guess, every woman gets a 25% raise, because thats apparently what they lack.

    MissKitty: That assumption is based on a study that deliberately ignored important factors, such as the fact that women CHOOSE to work more flexible less paying jobs, and to work less hours on average. Not to mention there are alot more SAH moms than SAH dads. So yes, women do make less than men, but its not because of discrimination.

    Freedom Forever: See above comment.

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