
Biden slams Obama and now runs with him, how?

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Why did months ago Biden say that Obama lacked the experience to lead America and now he agrees to be his running mate? Also, why did Biden, during that same time frame, say that he conciders McCain a friend and he would be proud to run with him or against him at the President?




  1. Biden as a VP choice makes sense in theory, but he's going to contribute to Obama's loss in November.  He doesn't fit into the change paradigm. Biden voted in favor of the Iraq War, whereas Obama has staked his entire "judgment to lead" argument on the idea that he was against the war (when in fact he wasn't in the Senate when the vote was taken).  Aside from that, he's not appealing enough to draw in enough independents and moderate democrats who were HIllary supporters.  

  2. Obama has gotten a lot of experience in these last few months. Also Obama and McCain are both very poor as are most politicians. That's why they need our contributions.

  3. It's politics, baby! If a common person with average intelligence were to try to understand how the machinations of our "real" government operates their head would explode and their toilet will burst into unquenchable flames.

  4. It means you shouldn't trust Biden or Obama... vote McCain!

  5. That is not unusual at all.  There have been many examples of rivals joining forces after the nomination is decided.  It's no different than Bush the First running with Reagan.  Remember the term "voodoo economics?"  That was Bush's description of Reagan's fiscal policies.

  6. The Osama and Joe Show will garner very low ratings with the American public.

  7. Obama is not the first person who has had a Veep who said mean things about him. But Biden's remarks about running with McCain are OTT.

  8. Apparently Sen. Biden was losing his hair and had to have hair plugs put in to stop the "recession" on his forehead....

  9. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  10. It's called politics. McCain has more money then both of them combined.

  11. yea,nice try

    mc cain=bush.

  12. Maybe Biden figures 8 months on the campaign trail missing all those senate votes qualifies the Messiah to be president.  I just figure someone switched Biden's hot toddy with some kool-aid.  Once you drink the kool-aid it's hard to be rational.

  13. welcome to politics 101

  14. Have you ever said anything in the last couple of years which could have the potential to come back and haunt you later? Especially if people were videotaping it and thought they could get ratings for broadcasting it endlessly?

    I'd consider the ability to get over minor political feuding good qualities for Obama and Biden.

    Besides, it sounds like McCain is going to choose Romney for his VP, and those two were much nastier to each other than Biden ever was to Obama.  

  15. Welcome to policlass 101! -

    This is sheer politics where you sometimes say what you don't mean or say what you mean but in the long run change your what you said to suit your ambitions.

  16. Biden is in his political twilight.  It's over for him.  He's so stupid, angry and racist he actually makes Obama look intellectually disciplined.  On his best day there is absolutely no chance he'll over shaddow Obama.  He got picked because there is no other politician of any note that can make that claim.

  17. There are deep ties between Biden and Obama via Tony Rezko and Biden's former Chicago Campaign Advisor (whom he has been friends with for 30 years - according to Biden, himself).  I believe this might be at least one reason for Obama picking Biden.  

    The advisor is Joseph Cari, Jr. and he has raised money for every Dem candidate since Carter, and the DNC as well...

    There are also rumors out there that it was Biden's son who helped squelch the whole Sinclair story.  If so, then Obama may have felt that he "owed him", in one way or another.  

    Ted Koppel today also said that if Obama had picked Hillary he'd have to be looking over his shoulder every day for four years.  That's probably very true, and hence a good reason why Hillary wasn't chosen...  

    The term "Thick as Thieves" comes to mind...

  18. Politics is the funniest branch of show bidness.

  19. It is an example of the old saying "Politics makes strange bedfellows", which is basically a politically correct way of saying that pretty much all politicians are "hos" when you get right down to it.

    They will say or do anything, and flip flop as much as necessary to gain and keep power.

  20. If you said all that and Obama came to you to be VP of America, what would you say?  Yep

  21. Come on, dude--is this your first election?  I mean, this happens in every election year, in every campaign, in every primary.  This ain't nothin' new.

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