
Big Baby- attempt labor and delivery or a scheuled c-section?

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I am 36 weeks pregnant, and my doctor is guessing that my baby is already 8 1/2 pounds. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week to get a better picture of our baby and to "discuss options". My mom has delivered two big babies and my husband had very big shoulders when he was a baby ( his mom had to have an emergency c-section with him because he got stuck at the shoulders). I know that babies getting stuck at the shoulders can cause a lot of problems when going through labor and delivery. My biggest hang-up with the c-section is that I won't be able to hold my baby right away, along with the recovery. My body doesn't handle narcotics well at all. Should I try to go through labor and see what happens, or just go with the c-section?? And I know if I try labor and end up needing a c-section anyway I would have wished I just went with the c-section in the first place...any thoughts would be helpful!!




  1. I would go and try to deliver vaginally.  You can always go for the c-section later on.  I had to deliver my daughter via c-section.  I was in labor for 12 hours (thankfully I had an epidural) but I never really dilated even though my labor was strong and steady.  My daughter has a large head and I am pretty small in the hips.

    Now I am 8 weeks pregnant and because of my prior c-section my doctor will not consider VBAC.  And she says that all the doctors in my area will not consider VBAC.  If I wanted to try VBAC i would have to go with an intern from a teaching hospital.  So clearly I guess I will reluctantly have another c-section.  So many doctors will not let you try for vaginally deliver after a c-section because if there is big problem (rare but it does happen).  The doctors have only 15 minutes to get the baby out during a VBAC.

    C-section are much tougher than labor.  The recovery is very difficult.  I saw my baby very quickly after delivery but honestly I was in no mood to see her.  The stress of the c-section was a bit too much for me to deal with.

    It is really up to you and your husband and doctor though.  I would try for a vaginally delivery with the knowledge that a c-section might have to occur.

  2. You need to keep in mind that even the best doctors can be off by as much as two pounds, when trying to determine the baby's weight/size during an ultrasound.  I would wait until next week's u/s to see if they stick with their original estimate or change it.  I had my first by emergency c-section (she was 8 lbs 12 oz), but it was because they gave me the epidural too early.  My second and third were natural, and were just under 8 pounds.

    For my c-section, they just "turned up" the epidural so I wouldn't feel anything below the waist.  I would talk to the doctor about your concerns with narcotics, and see what options he/she offers you.

  3. you should go for a normal birth.  they thought my baby would be 8-9lb had her the next day  she was 6lb.

  4. Not sure how large you are, but I've had 3 children, the first one was 9 lbs, the last two were 10lbs.  The first delivered vaginally perfectly, 2nd was emergency csection.  3rd was a VBAC because it was 9 years after the last csection, and it was no problem.  I am 5'6" medium build, my weight has fluctuated between 119 and 130. Ultrasounds are not exact.  I've been told I had small babies, when in fact all 3 of mine were large.  And I've had friends that were told their babies were 8 1/2, they induced early and the baby came out at 6 lbs.  So who knows?

  5. i had anormal  birth and my son  was  10 lb 21 ozs had him normal my brother was 13 lbs my mom had him normal it just depend on if you can handle giving birth  to a large child  for me it was no big deal  it all in the hips they say  plus once you have a c-section  many  friends  tell me you can never have a child the normal way not sure if thats true also why not try the water birth way where you are in a big tub of water  they say it much better for both  of you

  6. Even if I had a smaller baby, I'd still want a c-section.

    I'd seriously talk with your doctor about the concerns listed ahead of time. Even if it's just a phone call instead of a visist. Also, check with some reputable online sources where they discuss the effects of a C-section on the body. Good luck with your delivery, and congratulations on your little one!

  7. I ended up with a c-section after 62 long hours of labor.  I am sooooo going with an elective c-section next time!  Plus, if it's not an emergency you don't get put under, just numbed so you can hold your baby right after.

  8. i would suggest attempting it natural first. if things get complicated, they can do an emergency c section, which is what you'd be scheduling anyway. from my point of view, saying i tried it then i HAD to get a c section, is much better than saying i didnt try, i gave up and scheduled a c section. pregnancy, labor and delivery are a very prideful event for a woman. your decision may affect your self esteem and confidence in yourself later on. and it may affect how you bond with your precious baby. have confidence in your body and go for it! things may go more smoothly than you think!

    ALSO, can they induce you a bit earlier so your baby wont end up being 10 pounds or so?

  9. I know what you mean.  My baby girl is measuring 3 wks more than what they say I am.  I am going to try to have natural.  It won't hurt to try.  But it is completely up to you.  

  10. you can hold baby first with a c-section I think. Ask your doc don't just assume. And this all may be fret for nothing because the doc may recommend a c-section because of the facts. And I've heard there not that bad. My neighbor had her 3rd c-section and like a week later she was out jogging with the baby.

  11. Wow, thats a hard one!  I didn't think I'd ever suggest anyone ever have a C section, but......

    My mother in law had three very large (10# and over) babies, with no ill effects........I, on the other hand, had a baby just under 7#, and had a horrid time, she was turned and it was a very difficult delivery, plus there was no water to after 24 hrs of labour, and a difficult delivery that left me sitting on a tube for 4-5 months.......if I could have done it over, I would opt for the C section, cuz healing from that could not have been worse......and I was so exhausted from my delivery, I couldn't hold the baby right away anyway, I was so tired, I was afraid I'd drop her. advice is to listen to your doctor, he might have a good idea what you can expect, based on his examinations....  That's your best hope for "knowing in advance".......

    My doctor never warned me that I'd have such a hard time......good thing we already had two adopted children, or she'd have been an only child!!

  12. I'm going through the exact same thing. My baby is suppose to be 9 to 9 in half pounds and they say my pelvic bones are wide enough to deliver her an shes just to big. I had the chose to try natural birth or a c section, i choose a c section after reading my options i decided it was the best. You could be in labor for 30 something hours then the Doctor could decide you need to do an emergency c section and the labor can bring lots of stress on the baby. In the end its not all about you, its about whats best for your baby. So even no it takes forever to heal and your body doesn't respond to drugs well, getting a c section your guarantying everything with YOUR BABY will be ok, and it wont be stressed. Hope this helps and good luck!  

  13. I would wait until the did the ultrasound and see how much the baby weighs but if i were you i would go ahead with the c-section because i am like you if you end having to get an emergency one you would have wish you chose to do it anyway. There is no telling what can happen in the process of trying to deliver and then having an emergency c-section think about whats best for you and your baby. Sometimes you dont always get to hold them right after they are born anyway just think that precious baby will be coming home with you and you hold them as much as you want. I hope this helps

  14. well, I am super small (5'7 110) and I had a 9lb baby, the ultra sound at 38 weeks said he was 7.5, so they said it would be fine and I had one of the longest pushing stages ever (almost 3 hours) and we both almost died. So, I'm doing a c-section with my next. NO way can I do that again. Good luck! Also, I coudln't hold him right right away, like 2 minutes later, because they had to make sure my plumpy boy was okay and he was so healthy, but it was so hard and scary. I am sure you can do a c-section and see him right after.  

  15. hey there, i had a scan the day before i had my son, he was 34weeks and was a c-section because of complications, anyway, they said from the ulrasound measurements he was 6lbs, next day he was born weighing 7lb 6oz. i dont think the sizing ultrasounds are completly accurate somehow, i wont trust them again

  16. This is what happened with me.  I was 37 wks and measuring 45wks, and they let me go, 2 days after my Dr.appt my water broke at home, I went to the hospital, they induced labour that night with the drip (insane pain right away) i suffered through 12 hrs of 16 hrs of intense labour for nothing, I only dilated 3 cm the baby flipped face up, so after all of this they decided to do a C-Section. Thank God, my little guy was 11pds 9ounces. I say go for the C-section.

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