
Big Baby=C-Section?

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Ok, my doctor said that I am measuring at 39 weeks when I am supposed to be 35. He says that my baby is measuring a little above normal but that is because my boyfriend is very tall and he was a big baby. My main concern is the baby coming early or having to have a c-section because of the growth of my baby. Has anyone ever been through this? If so, how did you deal with your fears?




  1. My first child measured consistently between 1 and 3 weeks ahead of schedule.  They induced me at 41 weeks.  He was large ( 9 1/2 lbs) and I got a 4th degree tear from the delivery.  With this pregnancy, I am going to get an ultrasound at 38 weeks and then they will consider either an early induction or a c-section based on the measurements at that time.  I suggest to you that you ask/beg for another ultrasound to get more accurate measurements and then bring up early induction/ c-section options.

  2. try givimg natural birth if the doctors say it fine because women who get a c section have an increased chance of cervical cancer.. dont remember the exact percentage but it was higher .. about 75%

  3. I had a csection last year.... and i always thought i'd be afraid... it was an emergency and i didnt have time to think about!!!!! I went in and it was like soooooooooooooooo EASY!!!! no pain of pushing and pushing and pushing.... i just laid there without pain and they took my baby out of my belly! :D It was awesome!!!!!

  4. right now i am 34 weeks and my baby weighs 6 pounds 4 oz they say that if i go full trum then i will have to have  a c-section but my baby is already trying to come out and has been sense i was 6 months but i really don't know what to tell you but i just wanted you to know that i am going through the same thing

  5. mii aunt had a csection

  6. You might go into labor early.Its really hard to tell with pregnancies! In my case,I was measuring bigger,and the Dr estimated my daughter to be almost 10 pounds!! I was scared to death how I was going to be able to give birth to a 10 pounder! One thing about Dr's is they can only "estimate" on fetal growth and weight. I still went into labor naturally,had my daughter naturally,and she only weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces. Turns out I had double the amount of amniotic fluid so I was obviously bigger because of the water,and even the ultrasound was wrong by a few POUNDS on my daughters size!! Please try not to stress about it. The truth matter what equipment they use...they could still be wrong. C-section was not even offered to me because of babies size....most Dr's will let you try naturally first,at least the ones I know of. Good luck!! And congratulations!!

  7. My best friend's Sister in-law had big babies, they ranged between 9lb & 12lb.

    Length was always 50cm+ & she gave birth naturally to all 6 of them.

    I don't know how she did it. Mine were 7lb babies & I thought they were big enough.
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