I personally prefer what I have coined the "Multiple Bang Theory"
A piece of my own work. As follows -
Matter, planets etc, have gravity.
They are attracted to each other.
They crash and merge into a larger body.
Eventually the mass of this conglomerate of combined matter reaches a critical mass where it's gravity is so great that is becomes a black hole.
Black holes suck together and combine as matter previously (in addition to still sucking in regular matter)
Eventually a critical mass is reached again and they blow apart, a "little bang" if you wish to call it such.
and the cycle continues.
Here a little bang
there some scattering matter
somewhere else some congealing matter.
Always in perpetuity, all happening at once in different places.
No end
No beginning.
What is seen as THE Big Bang is merely the observable effects of one of the endless bangs.
I'm not saying this is how it is. It is merely a theory of mine.
Has this been previously proposed?
Bear in mind, I'm no physicist!!!